The Saga of the Lost Suitcase: British Airways’ Mishap in Ireland

2023-11-21 18:25:00

While traveling for leisure to a bowling match in Ireland, the airline British Airways lost the suitcase of Maria Vandermaesen, a retiree from Hasselt, in Limburg.

This type of case is unfortunately common and often ends well. Indeed, once she returned to Belgium, Maria was contacted by her airline who informed her that her suitcase had been found. So far everything was normal, and Maria was delighted to be able to find her luggage.

But the situation then took a somewhat unusual turn. Indeed, while it had been found for a moment, it was subsequently lost once more. “After the suitcase was briefly found, it disappeared once more. » declared Maria to our colleagues at Importance of Limburg.

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“In Zaventem, my suitcase was nowhere to be found once more,” continues Maria. “We then called British Airways once more, who told us they saw in their system that the luggage had been found, but that they also did not know where it was. But as the luggage was “found”, we are not entitled to compensation…”

Maria had to ask British Airways to explain the disappearance of the suitcase. “We are still looking for him,” he was told. But Maria’s suitcase remains nowhere to be found. “We would like to apologize to our customer for the stress she has suffered due to the disappearance of her suitcase. We will contact her to apologize and resolve the issue.” the airline said.

Read also Shock scene on a Ryanair plane: “Insults were exchanged, then it exploded…” (video)

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Maria continues to hope to see her suitcase once more one day, but is also now waiting for compensation for the inconvenience.

#apologize #customer #stress #suffered

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