They point to BBVA for this misleading advertising; “Prophesy help us”

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  • The promotion of the banking institution is found according to the image shared by the tweeter in his “top promotions” section in his application.

  • Other BBVA users also denounced the misleading promotion.

  • Internet users took advantage of their publications to denounce this promotion before Profeco.

Complaints on social networks can be seen day following day. There are many consumers who come to these platforms to expose the brands they consume for providing poor service, not giving them a good experience and in many cases for offering misleading , as is the case of some users of the BBVA Mexico bank who point it out on Twitter for offering a false promotion, for which they exhibit them before Profeco.

According to data from Statista 56.4 percent of users who register on the Internet from all over the world expresses concern regarding not knowing what is true and what is not, so these data reveal that at least we have all been victims of misleading or false news, regardless of the means of dissemination.

Misleading is defined as that makes false claims regarding a product or service it promotes, with the intention of capturing a large number of consumers.

Users expose BBVA on Twitter for misleading

Through his account on the social network Twitter, the Internet user identified as @ludopatin1 shared the image of the promotion carried out by the BBVA Mexico bank and which he described as “misleading ”.

The promotion of the banking institution is found according to the image shared by the tweeter in his “top promotions” section in his application, and consists of another Amazon promotion where they offer as a “great deal Echo Show 5 (2nd generation) at only $500”, as it also mentions that it is valid from April 14 to April 24, 2022.

The user mentions that the indicates that the final price will be 500 Mexican pesos and when bought, they only tell him that it is a discount of 500 pesos from the total price of the product.

The post was responded to by another internet user and bank customer who also denounced the ad and shared a video where you can see the same promotion that the previous consumer had already mentioned.

Likewise, another Internet user mentioned falling for the misleading promotion of the bank. “The same, I also have that doubt, did they lie to us in this case? Because there it clearly says $500”, read in the comment.

Each of the Internet users took advantage of their publications to denounce this promotion before the Federal Consumer Protection Office (Profeco), since it is the entity that is in charge of regulating and punishing this type of consumer deception.

Profeco mentions in the Federal Consumer Protection Law, which grants it powers to “initiate a procedure for violations of the law on , in accordance with articles 1, 6, 13, 24, sections I and XX, 32 and 123 of the law in question.”

It is not the first time that consumers report a brand to Profeco for misleading , let us remember the case of a client of Burger King who also went to their Twitter account to exhibit the fast food brand before the agency for not selling the same product that it presents in its images.

This only reflects the opinion of the consumer and the conversation that it generates in the digital pulse, Therefore, Merca 2.0 requested the position of the brand in order to tell both versions of the story.; however, so far it has not been received. The note will be updated in case of a response.

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