VIDEO A Romanian company breaks new records on the Capital Ring Motorway: “In 96 days actually worked on the site they reached 52%”

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A section of the Capital’s A0 North Ring Motorway will be opened in August 2023, almost a year earlier than the official deadline, Transport Minister Sorin Grindeanu announced on Tuesday. It is regarding the A0 Nord Lot 2 (19km), between DN1 and A3 and further to DJ 100 (Afumati), where the Romanian constructor UMB seems to be pulling with all engines revved to the max.

Intersection A0 with A3 – April 2023Photo: Capture YouTube

Lot 2 of A0 Nord is regarding 19 km, from the road junction with DN1, to the road junction with A3 and further to DJ100 (Between Ștefăneștii de Jos and Afumați) and following the bridge over the Pasărea/Balta Boltașul river.

Autostrada A0 Nord, Lot 2: 96 days of actual work, 52% physical advance

“Here he entered the construction site and the order to start was given on August 16. The days actually worked here – excluding holidays or those when the weather doesn’t allow you – are somewhere around 96-97 days actually worked on this site. We are at a stage of 51-52%. It means an extraordinarily good progress”, said Grindeanu, who was visiting the construction site.

  • “The completion date would be sometime in the summer of next year, but following all the discussions we had with CNAIR and the builder, probably this summer, in August, this lot of regarding 19 km will be put into circulation and which, in the sea, connects DN1 and DN2″, said Grindeanu.

VIDEO – A0 North, Lot 2 between DN1 and A3

Grindeanu talks regarding a solution to link A0 Lot 3 to DN2

According to him, the authorities are looking for a solution to unload the traffic from the A0 directly to the DN2, given that the related section – which contains the road junction between the A0 and the DN2 – has just been contracted with a company from China and which, until execution, it still has to go through the 12-month design period.

“We are going to have a discussion at CNAIR level regarding the download for DN2. An unloading is planned in the Ștefănești area. I would like us to make this unloading directly connect DN1 and DN2 so that this piece of highway can be used to its maximum capacity,” said Grindeanu.

A0 North, Lot 3 – Between A3 and DJ 100 (Ștefănești)

A0 North – Lot 2 (DN1/Corbeanca – DN2/Afumati)

Length: 19 km, 2 road junctions – with A3 and DN1

Value: 832 thousand lei

Constructor: SA&PE Construct Association – Spedition UMB – contracted in May 2021

Commencement order given on August 16, 2021

Term: 12 months design + 22 months execution

Stage (April 2023): 51-52%

Completion possible: Q4 2023 (parțial) / Q2 2024 (total)

Comparison between builders on A0: Romanians from UMB – Over 50% in 9 months / Greeks from Aktor – under 40% in 18 months

On the Capital’s A0 ring highway (regarding 101 km), regarding 71 kilometers are currently under construction, of which 52 km on the southern side.

On the north side, two lots are contracted with UMB, and another lot has just been contracted with a company from China.

On the A0 Nord – Lot 2, UMB started preparing the works already in the spring of last year and entered the construction site in force from August 2022.

Not even two months later, the builder was laying the first layers of asphalt in some areas of the lot. Now, according to estimates from the field, the stage of work exceeds 50%.

The progress of the UMB works on the A0 is even more impressive if we compare it to another similar section, lot 1 of the A0 South.

The Greeks from Aktor are working on the 18 km from the A1 to the DN6 (which contain only one road junction on the route – the one with the A1). After a stuttering extended with the approval of the execution project, the works started in October 2021.

Currently, the work stage is regarding 30%, following almost 18 months of the 30 months of the contract have passed. According to the last graph assumed by the builder before the authorities, the stage of the works should reach regarding 50% in May-June, Minister Grindeanu announced recently.

The official deadline for the Greeks is April of next year, but “with the current “mobilization”, we are beginning to have emotions that we will circulate between the A1 and DN6 in 2024″, draws the attention of the Pro Infrastructure Association.

The weak mobilization is also recognized by Cristian Pistol, the head of Autostrazi who says that three negative certificates have already been granted to the constructor and that several meetings were held with the company where the acceleration of the works was discussed.

According to Pistol, the Greeks were supposed to reach a physical state of 40% between March and April, but now in the field the state is only at 30%…


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