Watch.. an exciting clip of the famous Samaritan show is admired on social media

Al-Marsad Newspaper: A video clip from a high place documented the formation of Ardah Al-Samari, which is famous for the Najd region and the north of the Kingdom.

The video clip showed the performance of the Samaritan prayer collectively, where the men lined up in two groups, and each group consisted of two opposite rows, and began clapping and beating on the tambourines.

The first group placed the tambourines between the two rows on the ground, and began to clap and recite poems, rhythmically and harmoniously, while the second group hit the tambourines with quiet touches.

The first group came back again and grabbed the tambourines and hit them enthusiastically with hot applause and swaying left and right, then put them on the ground, and repeated the same movements more than once.

In the end, the first group complied with the second, and the beating of the tambourines began to be unified among the four rows, with the chanting of poetic verses and the unification of beginnings and endings, as the video clip showed.

It is worth noting that Samaritan art relies on tambourines and staves and the rhythm is harmonious, and then the poetic color developed, so simple light rhythms were introduced to it, such as drumming and clapping of hands, and special poems sung in folk tunes were organized for it.

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