What happens to your body when you eat almonds with their peel… The result will amaze you! • Al Marsad newspaper

Al Marsad newspaper: Almonds are famous for many health benefits, the most important of which is that they contain unsaturated fatty acids that help lower cholesterol.It is also a mine of many minerals and vitamins Including magnesium, calcium, vitamin E, and potassium, and therefore helps reduce blood pressure and strengthen bones.

It is also Helps balance sugar in the bodyAndrelieve heartburnAndImprove skin elasticityAndMood improvement.

It also helps in increasing sexual desire, and relieves nausea that accompanies pregnancy, so pregnant women can enjoy eating roasted almonds..

It prevents the spread of cancer in the body, so cancer patients are advised to include almonds in their diet because it contains large amounts of vitamins, minerals, proteins, fatty acids, and phytochemicals..

Almond oil benefits

Restores skin elasticity.

Reduces wrinkles and scars.

It rejuvenates cells, so it is used in many cosmetics as a main compound.

Calms and relieves dry skin, so almond oil is used in body massage.

Nutritional value of almonds

It is worth noting that the protein in almonds is not a complete protein, so it is not a substitute for the protein found in dairy, meat and eggs..

In addition, almonds contain small amounts of vitamins of group B, such as: vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin B3..

Ways to eat almonds

Almonds are eaten like other nuts, but they are difficult to digest, so it is recommended to soak them in water for several hours before eating.

It was recommended to remove the almond shell in the past, but recently it was found that the almond shell contains 10 times more antioxidants than the body of the amygdala, and these antioxidants fight free radicals that damage cells, so it is recommended to keep the shell.

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