Why can’t cats tolerate cold like dogs? Temperature of minus 6° could be lethal | Society

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The recent low temperatures that have been recorded this winter not only affect humans, but also pets, however, although care must be taken for both species, they are different depending on their tolerance to cold.

Since last week, low temperatures have been recorded throughout the country. Various areas have seen the presence of snow following many years and even some lagoons in the country have reached the point of freezing.

Because of this, the cold has turned out to be quite difficult to beat not only for humans, but also for pets.

How cold can dogs take?

Faced with this situation, it is important to know the best way to care for and protect pets as well.

Last year, during a severe cold wave in Spain, the government of that country published a table with the maximum temperatures that a dog can withstand.

In the case of small breedsthat is, those such as mini poodles, maltese, pugs, chihuahuas, among others, of weights less than 14 kiloslos -4° Celsius already represent a risk for these pets, while -6° celsius can be lethal.

In medium breedsthat is, the dogs of more than 14 kilos and less than 25according to Red Caninathey can withstand a maximum of -4° celsius without risking your health. However, at -12 ° celsius the integrity of the animal might be at critical risk.

Lastly, in the large breedsBorder Collies, Dalmatians, Golden Retrievers, Labradors, even Siberians, their tolerance to low temperatures is usually greater (-4° Celsius without problems)however the difference lies in the time that they can be exposed to the cold, being those of arctic varieties those that resist more.

How cold can my dog ​​take? | Government of Spain

Why do cats not tolerate low temperatures?

Los gatoson the other hand, being hot bloodthey have one much lower tolerance to low temperatures than dogsso that at 22° degrees you can already feel cold.

This, since his body temperature generally hovers between 38°C y 39,5°Cdescribes on his website Purina.

For this reason, these pets should not be exposed to temperatures below neither inside the house nor outside of it.

How to protect them?

It is important to differentiate thatThe temperature perception of animals will change according to their furfor example, in this case the sphynx cats, who do not have hair that covers them and tend to be underweight, will have a sensation of cold more premature than an angora cat.

The place where they live also has an important role, since being exposed -cats and dogs- by too many hours at temperatures below 0 can be lethal.

The age or illness that pets suffer from also interfere with their cold toleranceas older and/or sick pets can get cold faster and longer that a young and healthy pet can even not recover.

Taking these factors into account, the main way to protect dogs and cats from the cold is keep the places where they live warmthis to avoid “sudden changes in temperature and constant exposure to cold”describe Nicolás Escobar, professor of the Veterinary Medicine Career at the University of the Americas.

Another recommendation for this season is “avoid bathing them so often”dice Katherine Núñez, veterinarian at SuperZoo.clthis, since “Just as in the case of babies, if they are bathed they should make sure there are no drafts”.

In addition to this, it is important that pets have all their vaccinations up to date to prevent them from getting sick or generating serious cold or flu symptomssays the professional.

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