Why is the 2030 generation seeking obstetrics and gynecology to restore confidence?

Just as the skin sags and sags as aging progresses, the elasticity of the vagina of women also drops and sags and sags. Unlike the skin inside the vagina, the younger you are, the more wrinkles there are. However, due to aging, elasticity decreases and wrinkles become sagging, and the inside of the vagina becomes flat.

Vaginal aging causes various female diseases such as ‘vaginal dryness’, ‘vaginal atrophy’, ‘vaginal dystrophy’, and ‘vaginitis’. Not only that, it can cause additional problems, such as vaginal farts. For example, when doing exercises such as yoga or Pilates, an embarrassing situation occurs due to vaginal farts leaking out unknowingly.

In the past, loss of vaginal elasticity was only a problem for middle-aged women in their 40s or older, but nowadays, it is also commonly observed in the 2030 generation. In the case of the 2030 generation, the volume and elasticity of the inside of the vagina are reduced due to congenitally wide vaginas or excessive dieting rather than aging. The problem is that this increases the space in the vagina, which can lead to frequent vaginal farts.

If vaginal farts are causing problems in your daily life, a vaginal tightening procedure may be the solution. Recently, there are many cases of people in their 20s and 30s seeking vaginal tightening because vaginal farts even lower their self-confidence.

Vaginal tightening treatment requires careful selection of a hospital, as the effect of the same procedure varies depending on the cause of vaginal elasticity loss, the degree of vaginal pressure, and the skill of the medical staff. If you choose a hospital that meticulously diagnoses your current condition through vaginal pressure measurement and offers customized treatment tailored to your individual condition, rather than just looking at an unconditionally low price or advertisement, you can get satisfactory results.

Written by Hidak Medical Correspondent, Director Lee Dong-hee (obstetrician-gynecologist)

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