After announcing the detection of the first infection in the Kingdom… Learn about the most prominent symptoms of “monkeypox” and its transmission methods

Al-Marsad newspaper: The Public Health Authority “Weqaya” explained that monkeypox is transmitted between humans and humans through respiratory droplets or physical contact with a person suffering from the disease.

And she continued, as it is transmitted between humans and animals when a person is bitten and scratched by an infected animal.

She noted that the symptoms of monkeypox include headaches, muscle pain, back pain, fatigue and swollen lymph glands.

She advised to stay away from crowded places as much as possible during travel and to adhere to wearing a mask and sterilizing hands.

She also advised to see a doctor if a rash appears after a high temperature, especially in the event of returning from travel within the past 21 days for the start of symptoms.

Yesterday, the Ministry of Health announced the monitoring of a case of monkeypox for a person returning from outside Saudi Arabia, in the city of Riyadh.

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