Battling Indigenous Dengue Fever: Mosquito Control Campaigns in Île-de-France Region

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2023-10-17 15:39:00

This is the first case of indigenous dengue fever in the region. A first mosquito control campaign was held during the night from Sunday to Monday. The second will take place during the night of next Friday.

A first indigenous case of dengue fever in Île-de-France was discovered in Limeil-Brévannes (Val-de-Marne) following a report on Wednesday October 11. Biological analyses, carried out by the Regional Health Agency (ARS) and Public Health France teams, confirmed the diagnosis.

“A case is defined as indigenous when the person contracts the disease without having traveled to an endemic area in the 15 days preceding the appearance of symptoms,” specifies the ARS in its press release.

Two mosquito control operations

Consequently, two mosquito control operations were undertaken in the territory in order to stem the spread of the infectious disease. The first took place from Sunday October 15 to Monday October 16. The second is planned for the night of Friday October 20 to Saturday October 21, “weather conditions permitting”.

“These mosquito control operations will be coupled with a field survey including door-to-door visits to local residents to detect other potential cases and relay prevention messages,” indicates the ARS.

Traffic will be prohibited for pedestrians and motorists during the intervention.

Other mosquito control operations have already taken place in Île-de-France, particularly in Paris. In mid-September, an action of this type took place in the Dombasle sector, in the 15th arrondissement of the capital. A month earlier, it was a part of the 13th arrondissement which had been subjected to the same treatment following the report of a case of dengue fever.

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