Benoît Gagnon shares the reunion of some former Salut Bonjour

Benoît Gagnon made many nostalgic by sharing a photo of the reunion between former Hi hello.

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Some will certainly remember that in the early 2000s, Benoît Gagnon was part of the morning show team as a sports columnist, starting in 1999. In 2004, he then took on the colossal task of succeeding Guy Mongrain at animation, before leaving in 2007 to take up new challenges.

Well Tuesday evening, Benoît Gagnon and Guy Mongrain met again, to make up for lost time. The duo was accompanied by another of their colleagues at the time, none other than Ève-Marie Lortie.

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Yes, before taking the helm of hello hello weekendthe host first started out as a news presenter for the morning show in 2003, rubbing shoulders with Guy and Benoît.

The latter therefore breathed a good dose of nostalgia into his Instagram account, by sharing a snapshot of the three friends and former colleagues, all smiles, seated at the restaurant Chez Lionel.

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“Take the time to take the time.
That’s yes
Him, I owe him a lot. I was lucky to have him as captain, to have his confidence but above all to learn my trade and to become better.
She is the right arm you want in a career. She’s the little sister, the partner, the accomplice and the generous one that you want to have in your life.
Love you in your @lortieem and my friend Guy and you are really nice ❤️❤️❤️”, wrote the one we can hear on the radio, at the microphone of Rouge.

In comments, Internet users seemed both nostalgic and happy to see the reunion of this trio which accompanied many viewers, almost 20 years ago.

They are beautiful to see!

SEE ALSO: 23 long friendships of Quebec showbiz

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