Blue dollar: how the raids impact the price of the parallel currency

2023-11-16 18:16:30

In the last hours, The blue dollar surpassed the barrier of 950 pesos and that set off alarms in the Government. As a result of this, there were a series of raids on caves to discourage the activity of the parallel currency.

In this context, the team Channel E He contacted the economist Federico Glusteinwho spoke about the impact of the raids on the parallel currency.

Raids and their impact on the blue dollar

“This particularly influences the blue dollar because financiers have volumes up to 10 times higher per day”said Glustein, who then completed: “The raids in the city area seek to combat the price of blue.”

“Today the gap between the blue and the financiers is $100, the blue reflects economic instability,” the economist shot. “The dollars used by the caves come from part of the savings of people who are not in the system”he explained.

Likewise, the interviewee said that many illegal operations move for the blue dollar due to the lack of transparency. “It is estimated that in the country there are about 300 billion dollars outside the system”he detailed.

Finally, Glustein said that the blue market is marginal in terms of volume of money operated. “Sometimes there is over-invoicing of imports in the official dollar to keep the difference”he concluded.

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