Boosting Efficiency: Implementing Biometric Punching in Public Works Complex at Pulikunum

2023-06-24 20:30:00

25 June 2023, 02:00 AM IST


By implementing punching, the government intended to prevent loitering during office hours without working and to increase the efficiency of employees. What a beautiful dream. The Chief Secretary had earlier taken notice of the delay in the implementation of punching in many places. He threatened that the employees of such offices would not be paid. He also ordered to implement biometric punching system and link it with payroll software Spark. What a beautiful order.

Such is the case with certain orders issued from the capital. By the time a lot of it gets here in the north, the people who brought it in may not be in the chair there. It was thought that punching would become a snake like that. However, the snake lying on the fence has been carved on the foreheads of some people in the public works complex.

Salary should not stop. Do not start punching. There was a new ‘spark’ in the mind of some evil genius who had gone awry with contracts. Didn’t think of anything else. Break the punching machine. But the bosses, who know every leaf in the files tied in red tape, were not even aware of the ‘transgression’ that took place under their own noses. The next thing is that it took a press report and a minister’s scolding to know it and complain to the police.

The complex at Pulikun is where paperwork for contracts worth crores of rupees is done. In every file prepared there, not only lives but also crores of rupees are at stake. Then a doubt. Isn’t it the need of not only the employees there but also the country to make the attitudes and transactions transparent? Doesn’t that office also need the monitoring of the newly constructed smart cameras of the Navakerala Nirmitti. Aren’t they the ones who have to file the paperwork for it? So why didn’t it happen until today? What can the general public do if they get rheumatism?

The government, which has seen and learned from America and Cuba and does new things only in a different way, was wrong in the matter of punching in Pulikun. This is the age of the artificial intelligence that takes the bad guys by the hand. It is also the age of artificial intelligence cameras. Didn’t you notice that in front of such a camera, the viruthus were holding the ring like gentlemen with their tails folded. Many people were late to realize that even bigger tigers were in the public works complex at Pulikunum.

It is clear that what was needed in Pulikunum was not an ordinary punching machine. Nothing less than a punching machine with an artificial intelligence camera that shines day and night seems to rule the dam. Intelligence alone is not enough, purity is also necessary.


Public Works Minister Mohammad Riaz and others who destroyed public property paid a fine of Rs 3.81 lakh. Mantri, even if you poke him with a golden needle, your eyes will break.

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