CAF: Fighting Social Fraud and Strengthening Controls – Latest Updates and Measures in 2022

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2023-06-05 16:13:22

Each year, the National Family Allowance Fund carries out an increasing number of controls, and ensures that this does not constitute a “hunt for fraudsters”. According to Cnaf, these reinforced controls are intended to “provide prompt, regular and fair payment of benefits: neither too much nor too little”. In 2022, the Cnaf strengthened its controls and filed thousands of complaints once morest undue beneficiaries.

CAF: the fight once morest social fraud strengthened

Each year, the Cnaf strengthens its resources to fight once morest fraud in family allowances, to identify fraudsters. In 2022, no less than 32.4 million checks were carried out throughout France. These operations, carried out in particular through specialized investigations, made it possible to avoid three million euros in fraud.

Specialized investigators at the service of the Cnaf

These investigations are carried out by specialized inspectors, who are 30 in number and who are employed by the National Service for the Fight once morest Fraud at Stakes (SNLFE). Their mission is to detect sophisticated arrangements that lead to significant damage. These 30 investigators, who may be professionals from the CAF, the tax services, or the gendarmes, alone triggered 14,000 checks. They made it possible to identify 69.4 million euros of misuse, of which 58% fraudulent. The rest of the errors are honest errors or simple omissions. In concrete terms, the investigators succeeded in detecting and preventing 3,000 breaches of bank details, thus avoiding 3 million euros in fraud.

More fraud detected in 2022

The total amount of fraud detected in 2022 was 351 million euros. In 2021, this figure was 309 million euros, an increase of 13.5% in one year. According to CAF, 48,692 frauds were discovered in 2022, an 11.6% increase in one year. Thanks to its 32.4 million checks carried out in 2022, CAF is therefore able to identify a greater number of fraudulent practices. These investigations led the Cnaf to espouse 4,022 complaints.

More than 130,000 checks carried out

Cnaf explains this increase by the strengthening of its controls. In other words, there are no more fraudsters than before, but rather more effective controls. In 2022, 134,653 checks were carried out by 700 agents at the recipients’ homes, i.e. 10,000 more than in 2021.

The Cnaf recalls that ” fraud, unlike honest error or forgetfulness, is characterized by intentionality”. In 2022, the erroneous rights paid by CAF amounted to 1.36 billion euros. They included 985 million indus, that is to say sums paid by the CAF following errors. The 351 million euros of fraud are included in this sum. Note that, in all cases, the beneficiary is required to reimburse the sums unduly received, whether due to errors or fraudulent practices.

The RSA represents 60% of CAF fraud!

In 2022, the average loss amounted to 7,217 euros, i.e. 55 euros more than in 2021. The RSA (active solidarity income) alone represents 60% of the fraud observed. activity bonus, housing assistance and the disabled adult allowance represent respectively 13%, 12% and 3% of fraud over the same year. A total of 13.5 million people benefited from CAF aid in France in 2022. The total amount of benefits paid was 99 billion euros.

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