“Can I get a sexually transmitted disease without a relationship?”…myths and truths about sexually transmitted diseases

In the past, the word ‘sexually transmitted disease’ was taken very seriously, and there were many people who thought that exposure to sexually transmitted diseases would put their lives at risk. On the other hand, in modern times, with the exception of certain sexually transmitted diseases, it is recognized as an easy-to-solve problem that can be improved through treatment once infection is confirmed. However, there is still a view that is ashamed of sexually transmitted diseases.

STD|Source: Getty Images Bank

There are many cases of sexually transmitted diseases neglected for fear of being seen as impure or unclean in the eyes of others. This is probably because many people think that sexually transmitted diseases can only be transmitted through sexual life or that people who are not clean get it. However, contrary to what you might think, there is a risk of infection even if you have been clean or have not had a relationship.

For example, although it is not common now, in the case of a sexually transmitted disease called ‘Pubic Dysfunction’, it is possible to get infected by contact through bedding or towels. So, once someone close to you is infected, you need to be careful. Pubic lice is a sexually transmitted disease that many patients report that bugs inhabit the body, including the pubic hair, causing severe itching and even sleeplessness.

In the case of ‘herpes’, it is also spread through mucous membranes or skin, so it can be sufficiently infected without sexual activity. Herpes is usually divided into types 1 and 2, with type 1 causing blisters on the inside of the mouth or around the lips, and type 2 on or near the genitals.

Another sexually transmitted infection route is through blood. ‘AIDS’, which is well known as a terrifying sexually transmitted disease, is a representative. AIDS can be spread through blood or breast milk in addition to semen or vaginal secretions. This is why it is imperative to make sure that you do not use syringes that have already been used in hospitals. In the case of a female infected person, care must be taken in handling after using menstrual products.

STDs are not all known. There are also lesser-known STDs. In fact, there are various sexually transmitted diseases around us, and the routes of infection are also diverse. However, regardless of the route of infection, the important thing is to refrain from having sex with a partner if symptoms that did not exist around the genital area occur. In addition, it is necessary to apply an appropriate treatment and improve the disease through a rapid examination.

Written by Hidak Medical Correspondent, Director Song Dong-woo (Urology Specialist)

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