Chinese aircraft carriers encircled in Taiwan face off with US Aegis ships

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The Chinese military’s training to encircle Taiwan continued for three days until yesterday.

It even conducted drills to precisely strike key facilities in Taiwan with strategic bombers capable of mounting nuclear weapons.

Tensions were also heightened at one time while the U.S. Navy also conducted counter-response exercises in the South China Sea.

Correspondent Lee Hae-in in Beijing.

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The last day of the Chinese military’s encirclement training in Taiwan, which was announced to last for three days.

A Chinese strategic bomber capable of carrying nuclear weapons is scrambled toward Taiwan.

[중국 폭격기 조종사]

″We have arrived in the northern part of Taiwan Island. The plane is in good working order and the missiles are in good condition.″

The pilot announces to the control tower that he is going to practice bombing, and takes a position to press the launch button.

It’s showing off that the Chinese military can bomb major facilities in Taiwan at any time if they want to.

[중국 CCTV 보도 (어제)]

″H-6K bombers carrying live ammunition conducted several simulated strikes once morest important targets in Taiwan, supported by early warning, destroyer and jammer aircraft.″

Dozens of fighter jets also scrambled to the Taiwan Strait, and rocket artillery units and naval destroyers conducted shooting exercises assuming Taiwanese warships.

The aircraft carrier Shandong, which had moved to the western Pacific Ocean east of Taiwan, is known to have conducted training to block off Taiwan from outside military aid such as the United States.

[중국 CCTV 보도 (어제)]

″Under the command of the Joint Operation Command Center, each service and branch cooperated closely to conduct joint blockade and precision strike drills.″

The United States also responded with a “counter-fire drill” by bringing an Aegis destroyer belonging to the US 7th Fleet close to an artificial island installed by China in the South China Sea.

It was a so-called ‘freedom of navigation’ exercise near the Spratly Islands, which China claimed sovereignty over and created artificial islands.

The three-day training announced by China has ended, but last year, when US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan, the training was repeated from time to time, so there is a possibility that tensions surrounding the Taiwan Strait will continue for the time being.

This is Lee Hae-in from Beijing for MBC News.

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