Comprehensive Health Route begins that expects to serve 47 thousand people

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State institutions joined the day in order to guarantee the well-being of indigenous communities and the population in general.

The Comprehensive Health Route starts in the southern municipalities of Bolívar state, an activity that was instructed by Governor Ángel Marcano through the Bolívar Social Foundation.

More than 120 people, including doctors, nurses, social workers, representatives of various state institutions and volunteers, participated in the day, estimating to serve more than 47 thousand people and provide medical services of excellence.

It should be noted that the joint work will include the participation of social leaders, indigenous people and mayors.

According to what was reported by Governor Ángel Marcano, six municipalities located to the south will benefit from medical consultations in different specialties, delivery of medicines, technical aids, household goods, baskets, among others, for indigenous communities and the population in general.

He highlighted the articulation of the different Social Missions with the Bolívar Social Foundation (FSB), Saime, CNE, National Nutrition Institute, National Traffic Institute, Farmapatria, among others, to unify actions that allow responses in the corresponding areas.

“Following the instructions of our brother worker president, Nicolás Maduro Moros, we go with force and a great mobilization towards Gran Sabana, Sifontes, Roscio, El Callao, Piar, Padre Pedro Chien, and then we finish this task in Caroní, to later deploy towards west of our city. It is all a plan to give the people a better quality of life and heal the wounds left by the imperial attack and the economic war,” said Marcano.

care deployed

For her part, the first lady and president of the FSB, Yajaira Arocha de Marcano, explained that in addition to medical assistance, 120 elective surgeries will be carried out and recruitment for more complex surgical interventions.

He noted that for 14 days, the team will visit areas from Santa Elena de Uairén, San Isidro, El Dorado, El Callao, Upata just to mention a few, until returning to the Caroní municipality.

“We are committed to guaranteeing the greatest possible well-being to our people, children, mothers, older adults, with medical, legal and social assistance, and for this reason we will continue to permanently protect families, especially the most vulnerable,” pointed out.

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