Debate about Urfahran fairgrounds continues

2023-09-17 20:26:00

Markets and major events are a major burden and would also block the development of the area, says Potocnik. He wants to unseal the area and convert it into a park and is therefore proposing a study that examines alternative locations for the fair. The application will be discussed by the local council this week.

Bathing bay will be discussed later

For VP local councilor Victoria Langbauer, some key questions remain unanswered regarding the planned attractiveness of the Urfahran fairground area. Langbauer, who is committed to implementing the water bay, wants, as reported, that planning councilor Dietmar Prammer (SP) puts the status of the planning and the actual costs on the table in the local council. For formal reasons, your request will not be discussed on Thursday, but rather at the meeting on November 9th.

more on the subject


The fairgrounds are set to become greener from 2024

LINZ. The fairgrounds are to be greened and partially unsealed from 2024.

The fairgrounds are set to become greener from 2024


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#Debate #Urfahran #fairgrounds #continues

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