Delicious and Low-Calorie Sauerkraut Soup Recipe for Weight-Conscious Foodies

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2024-03-21 20:05:54

You love hearty food and at the same time pay attention to your figure. Then try our recipe for a hearty sauerkraut soup – it provides a real slimming kick for connoisseurs. Plus, they’re quick to prepare.

There are many clichés regarding German food. Sauerkraut is also considered typically German, although it also has a long tradition in many other countries. We especially like it as a side dish. But it also cuts a fine figure in the main role, for example in a soup. Sauerkraut is created by lactic acid fermentation of white cabbage or pointed cabbage, which preserves it and gives it its typical sour taste.

According to the Lower Saxony Chamber of Agriculture, sauerkraut is low in calories, high in fiber, more digestible than white cabbage and has a beneficial effect on the intestinal flora. It also contains various minerals and vitamins, including traces of vitamin B12. And above all, it tastes delicious in our soup. Important: It is best to use fresh sauerkraut, which may be available at the weekly market, or sauerkraut from the refrigerated counter.

The ingredients for the sauerkraut soup

What you need: 3o0 g lean pork, 400 g sauerkraut, two small or one large onion, oil for frying, a tablespoon of flour, three quarters of a liter of broth, peppercorns, two bay leaves, a few juniper berries and caraway seeds as well as salt, pepper, herbs such as parsley for decoration and each Grated cheese to taste, such as Gouda or Emmental.

Preparing the sauerkraut soup

That’s how it’s done: First cut the lean pork into small strips. Then peel and dice the onions. Untangle the sauerkraut a little. Fry the meat and onions in hot oil, then sprinkle the flour over them. Add the sauerkraut, a few peppercorns, bay leaves and juniper berries, let it get hot and pour in the broth. Now let the soup simmer on a low heat for regarding 35 minutes. Season with salt, pepper and perhaps a splash of apple juice.

Serve the sauerkraut soup in bowls or deep plates. If desired, sprinkle with grated cheese and decorate with chopped parsley. If you want to treat yourself to a few extra calories, you can also refine the sauerkraut soup with a little sour cream or sour cream. Bon appetit! ■

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