Exploring the Transformation: Touring the Resignified Facilities of the University of Tolima for Enhanced Education and Well-being

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2023-07-06 09:05:00

Touring the facilities of the University of Tolima (UT) is walking through a space in the process of resignification, that is, construction, to give a new sense and meaning to each place in the alma mater of the tolimenses.

Marcela Barragán, head of the Office of Planning and Institutional Development of the UT, indicated that this process, which has been carried out for two years, has the purpose of Improve the quality of educationproductivity, coverage and well-being of the university community.

Therefore, with an investment of $4.5 billionbegan the execution of infrastructure works that comply with all current regulations and that allow to encourage research and promote the quality of teaching and learning processes, such as the intervention of classrooms and laboratories, Bulevar Universitario, the Botanical Garden, Orquidiario and Granjas de Armero.

UT classroom intervention

“It is a project that is financed with funds from the General Royalty System, whose contracting entity is the Government of Tolima, which works in coordination with our university. This project, which meets one of the needs of the university community, bets on strengthen teaching and give guarantees in the teaching processes”, stated Barragán.

He also indicated that the work is expected to be delivered in December 2023. The block of classrooms will have five levelswith an area to intervene of 1,480 square meters and a built area of ​​2,086 square meters, functionally adopting 15 interactive classrooms with sound and access control, with a capacity for 550 people.

The head of the Planning Office specified that the classrooms will have a lighting system, through solar panels; protection systems through shielding; fire detection systems; main access control; circulations with easy accessibility; external areas for bicycle parking; benches; study modules; pedestrian paths; tactile tiles and green areas.

University Boulevard

Barragán pointed out that the UT, in its search to generate adequate spaces for the security and recreation of the university community, carried out the work known as the University Boulevard that It is the union of the main gate, the Ducuara Park and the corridor of the stores for students.

The University Boulevard was born as a response to the need to consolidate an integral spacethat revitalizes and enhances the key points in which the university community coexists.

“This project was the result of the creativity of our students from the Faculty of Habitat Scienceswho carried out the design of the space and who also contributed significantly to its materialization”, he pointed out.

With their help, explained Barragán, the construction of this site was achieved, linking existing buildings and spaces, with a place that enhances social, cultural and environmental interactions that take place in the alma mater.

Orchid and Botanical Garden

The Orquidiario of the UT, as pointed out by the head of Planning, is not only a physical space, it translates into research sitewhere the community develops processes that contribute significantly to the area of ​​Basic Sciences.

“With the construction of the space that meets the requirements and specifications Established by experts in the area, we are guaranteeing the investigative exercise and also, impacting the well-being of those who intervene in the place”, he mentioned.

Regarding the Botanical Garden, Barragán explained that it was an infrastructure from many years ago, but that it had never been adequate. At the moment, they are in the final installation of an elevator.

Inside the garden will work the Herbariotoliwhich contains a collection of plants that the university has built up over the years, and which allows students to have access to these species.

“The Garden is also a work that was made thinking of a environment friendly infrastructure. The University is a green campus and the garden was designed to connect with our spaces”, she pointed out.

Armero Farms Restructuring

Las Granjas de Armero, are suitable facilities for UT Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics students to carry out their internships. Therefore, during this process, young people must live in these facilities.

Barragán said that taking into account this aspect they decided to carry out maintenance and adaptation to student residences.

“There, activities such as roof maintenance, installation of a pvc ceiling, maintenance of walls with the application of paints, maintenance of sanitary units, electrical maintenance, among other activities that significantly improved spaces. Our purpose with this action is to give conditions of well-being of our students and teachers“, he pointed.

With the adjustments, the UT becomes a space worthy of study and researchbut also moments of rest and connection with the environment.

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