Fertilizers for Well-being Program launched by Mexican Ministry of Agriculture to benefit over 36,000 producers in Durango

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2023-06-01 23:46:58

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development launched the Fertilizers for Well-being priority program in Durango, which will benefit more than 36,000 producers from 37 municipalities of the entity.

When giving the starting signal at the Agriculture-Segalmex Distribution Center (CEDA), in the Vicente Guerrero municipality, the representative of Agriculture in Durango, Saúl Vargas Martínez, endorsed the commitment of the President of the Republic, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, to promote actions to increase the production of basic crops such as corn, beans and milpa system.

He stressed that the purpose is to avoid the abandonment of planting land and contribute to the well-being of the rural families of the entity, since they are the ones who go to the plots to harvest the food that later reaches the table of all Mexicans.

He stressed that this effort, carried out in conjunction with Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), the National Guard, the Secretariat of Welfare and Mexican Food Security (Segalmex), advances with firm steps and on the path to food self-sufficiency.

The official stressed that through the General Directorate of Soils and Water (DGSyA) of the Ministry of Agriculture, headed by Areli Cerón Trejo, efforts have been redoubled to get inputs to the plots of small and medium-scale producers of Durango.

He said that the goal is to deliver at least 18,000 tons of fertilizers, both DAP and Urea, to serve an area of ​​more than 71 hectares of basic grains in 37 municipalities of the entity.

That is why 37 CEDAS were enabled in the state to receive, store and deliver inputs to farmers registered in the Production for Well-being register, he pointed out.

Vargas Martínez announced that so far there has been a 40 percent advance in the supply of fertilizers, adding that the work will continue to receive the mobile units (trailers) in order to benefit the farmers.

He commented that the Government of Mexico instructed to give priority to the requesting population and, above all, to those who are in the registers of the Fertilizers and Production for Well-being programs, with special attention to women and indigenous communities.

This, as occurred in the start of priority support for the Mexican countryside, for which indigenous communities in the municipalities of Vicente Guerrero and Súchil have been assisted, he said.

He explained that the free delivery of fertilizers this year will benefit two million small producers of basic grains, mainly, and will impact three million hectares of the 32 entities of the country.

The official stressed that no person or public servant should condition or charge for requesting support from the Fertilizers for Well-being program, and urged people to request more information at www.gob.mx/agricultura or call 800 TU CAMPO (8822676).

He stressed that the call, list of CEDAS and authorized producers are published at www.gob.mx/agricultura, adding that this support is free, directly delivered and without intermediaries.

Also present at the event were the federal delegate of the Welfare Programs in Durango, Iván Ramírez Maldonado, and the coordinator of Segalmex in the entity, Diego Ruíz García.

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