Lockdown during blind date… The story of a woman sitting in the house of an unfamiliar man

The story of a woman sitting in the house of an unfamiliar man for more than four days is becoming a hot topic as China suddenly imposes a lockdown order for COVID-19.

According to foreign media such as the BBC on the 12th (local time), Wang, a 32-year-old woman living in Guangzhou, visited her hometown of Zhengzhou, Henan Province, for the Lunar New Year holiday. The parents introduced a man who did not have a meal for their daughter who was entering marriage, and the man invited Mr. Wang to his house, saying, “I want to serve food I made myself.” However, by the time we finished eating, a confirmed case of COVID-19 made it impossible to move due to the lockdown in the entire Zhengzhou area. Currently, the Chinese authorities are implementing a strong quarantine policy to block all cities with confirmed cases of Corona 19 and to find hidden infected people through gene amplification (PCR) tests for all residents.

Wang, who was locked in the house of the first man he saw for the first time because of the high-intensity quarantine policy, had no choice but to live with him. During their stay together, the man is said to have cooked for Wang every day and even cleaned the house. On the fourth day of living together, Mr. Wang uploaded a video directly on WeChat, and this story garnered a lot of attention in the local area. Wang has now deleted the related video as the pressure has grown due to the unexpectedly great interest.

In an interview with the local journalist The Paper, Mr. Wang said, “The dish he (the man on the blind date) cooked wasn’t very tasty, but the way he quietly cooked it was great. Except for the fact that he didn’t talk much, there was nothing bad about it. “He said.

He continued, “However, the situation (I had to spend a few days with him) was not very satisfactory, because I want someone with whom I can talk more,” he added, adding that there is not much chance that they will develop into a lover.

The video was popular as a hashtag was created on Weibo, a Chinese social media site, but the video was deleted by Mr.

The BBC said, “It is still not confirmed whether the woman is staying at the man’s house on a blind date.”

[류영상 매경닷컴 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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