Lula da Silva: the romantic love story between the elected president of Brazil and Janja, his third wife and future first lady

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  • Letícia Mori
  • BBC News Brazil

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image source, Getty Images


Lula da Silva and Janja have known each other since the 1990s, but it was only when he was imprisoned that their love relationship began.

The wedding dress worn by sociologist Rosângela da Silva to marry Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in May this year was decorated by embroiderers from Timbaúba dos Batistas, in northeastern Brazil.

That region, bastion of the Workers’ Party (PT) de Lula, was the theme of the party: cacti under a moonlit sky.

And throughout the dress there were geometric stars identical to the star of the match, although all white. In red, only the roses from the bouquet and the lapel of the groom, who was wearing a blue suit.

Historical activist of the PT, the sociologist Rosângela da Silva -nicknamed Trick– He was a member of the party long before he met Lula: he joined the party at the age of 17, in 1983, and some time later he went on to work in the PT leadership in the Legislative Assembly of the state of Paraná.