NASA: Masturbating in space is prohibited for astronauts, why? | Science

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During an episode of the Conan O’Brien podcast titled “Space Porn”, “Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend”, a former NASA shared some Quite curious details regarding the rigid protocols that an astronaut must follow in space.

Although it is known to many, NASA has strict security protocols that it has often shared with the public. When it comes to space missions, astronauts must to memorize the regulations and follow them to the letter once they are out of orbit.

However, some aspects of considerable interest remain hidden, since the space agency does not share them as effusively like his Scientific advances.

During the podcast broadcast, the host asked the former astronaut if they were allowed to bring pornographic material aboard space missions, to which the guest replied no.

The explanation given by the guest was that if a man within the crew masturbated, it might cause the female crew members to they will get pregnant. Some NASA technicians have pointed out that masturbating would cause what is known as “lost fluids” and that with just a few drops of semen a process of sexual reproduction without necessarily carrying out the act.

Additionally, Dr. John Millism, a member of NASA, explained to the information portal of “The New York Times” that trying to have sexual relations on board a space mission would be similar to try to have them while it’s done skydiving. But that carried out, the risk of a pregnancy is not spared.

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