Palmer’s Reaction to Faeser’s Comments: “I’m Close to Feeling Foolish”

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Boris Palmer, Lord Mayor of Tübingen, criticized the German government for failing to address the growing number of refugees in the country. He expressed that he did not feel taken seriously by Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, who recently expressed her lack of understanding of the municipalities’ demands for more funding from the federal government to accommodate refugees and migrants. Palmer warned that the municipalities were overwhelmed with the situation, and more support is needed from Berlin, including a limit on irregular migration. Previously, North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst (CDU) criticized Faeser’s statements as a “fatal signal,” stating that the municipalities have done outstanding work in accommodating, integrating, and caring for refugees.

Deutschland Tübingen OB

Palmer on Faeser’s comments – “I almost feel ridiculous”

“The asylum paragraph in the Basic Law was not set up for the rest of the world

Interior Minister Faeser rejects an upper limit for refugees. In addition, she might not understand the demands of the municipalities for more money for accommodation. “She tries to get out of the affair by not acknowledging problems,” says WELT publisher Stefan Aust.

Federal Minister of the Interior Faeser reacted with incomprehension to the demands of the municipalities for more money for the care of refugees. Boris Palmer, Mayor of Tübingen, feels “not really taken seriously”. He warns: “We can’t do it”.

TÜbingen’s Lord Mayor Boris Palmer has accused the federal government of inaction with regard to the increasing number of refugees in Germany. “If the Federal Minister of the Interior thinks that the municipalities have no problems and can’t even know what else to expect, then I really don’t feel taken seriously and almost made fun of,” he said on Thursday evening on the program “RTL Direkt “

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) had stated that she might not understand the demands of the municipalities for more money from the federal government for the accommodation of refugees and migrants at the present time. “I find it strange when it is already being said – at the beginning of April this year – that the money for this year is not enough,” she told the newspapers of the Funke media group (Thursday). The federal government made 4.4 billion euros available in 2022 and took over the social benefits for the refugees from Ukraine. He also promised states and municipalities 2.75 billion euros in additional support at an early stage.

Palmer said the municipalities were overwhelmed with the situation. “In the education system, in the daycare centers, on the housing market, even in medical care, we are at the limit. And we need more support from Berlin and a limit on irregular migration. So far, the problem does not seem to be understood or it is being hushed up,” said the mayor. “And with the high numbers that are currently expected, towards 400,000 this year, I say (…): We can’t do it”.

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Home Secretary Nancy Faeser;  WELT editor Stefan Aust

North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst (CDU) had previously described Faeser’s (SPD) statements on refugee costs as a “fatal signal”. The municipalities have done outstanding things in the accommodation, integration, care and education of refugees, said the Vice Chairman of the Prime Ministers’ Conference on Thursday at the request of the German Press Agency in Düsseldorf. “The fact that their calls for help are dismissed by the traffic light government is incomprehensible and causes a great deal of incomprehension on site.”

Lord Mayor Boris Palmer’s criticisms of the federal government’s handling of the refugee crisis continue to highlight the challenges faced by municipalities in providing accommodation, education, and medical care. With rising numbers of refugees entering Germany, Palmer warns that the situation is becoming unsustainable and calls for more support from Berlin and a limit on irregular migration. Interior Minister Faeser’s rejection of funding requests and dismissal of municipal challenges has drawn criticism from politicians and citizens alike. As the debate continues, it remains to be seen what steps will be taken to address the ongoing crisis.

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