Simply explained: Who is Donald Trump?

Fast cars, expensive houses, his own plane: Donald Trump (read: tramp) was always particularly proud of his wealth. The 77-year-old comes from a rich family. His father had a construction company that Trump inherited and continued to run. For a long time he was what people thought of as a businessman. With his luxury, he was always a welcome guest on television shows.

But for a long time, many people could not imagine that Donald Trump would one day be the most powerful man in the world. And yet his dream came true. On November 8, 2016, he won the election and became the 45th President of the United States of America.

Trump and his time in office

Trump promised people to look more at America and care about people having a better life. His motto was: “I want to make America great again.” It was all about one thing: money. Trump wanted American companies and factories to be strengthened instead of relying on companies in other countries.

Today, people are divided when it comes to Trump’s time as president. Some are angry and think that he has done more harm than good to the country. Others, on the other hand, are very enthusiastic about him.

Here are a few points that were repeatedly important during his term in office:

  • Trump didn’t think much of strict gun laws. “Everyone should be allowed to carry weapons because this is the only way to protect people from violence,” he repeated again and again.
  • People are not to blame for global warming, says Trump. So he didn’t want to campaign for environmental protection during his presidency.
  • In a video, he announced that Americans don’t have to fear the coronavirus. Some of his fans felt this strengthened their view that Corona was not as bad as claimed. Other people, however, found his statement dangerous.
  • During his term in office he repeatedly made headlines. He said mean things about people with disabilities, women and war refugees.
  • Trump has announced that he no longer wants to allow Muslims into the country. So people with Islamic faith. He wanted to send people who don’t have permission to live in the USA back to their homeland.
  • How many times has Trump lied? According to the Washington Post (pronounced woschington), an American newspaper, Trump is said to have spread a lot of false information. During his time as president there are said to have been around 22,000 misleading or false claims.

Attack on America

Joe Biden (pronounced dschou baidn) took over the office from his predecessor Donald Trump on January 20, 2021. Joe Biden already has a lot of experience with politics. He was the representative of Barack Obama, President Trump’s predecessor. He also worked in parliament for many years. Parliament is made up of politicians who represent the people and, for example, pass laws.

Many of Trump’s supporters did not want to acknowledge that Joe Biden won the election. They believed that there was fraud in the election and that Trump actually won. There is no evidence of this, but the atmosphere was still very charged. Trump himself also claimed for weeks that his victory had been “stolen” from him.

And then one thing led to another. Trump supporters violently stormed the so-called Capitol. This is the seat of the Congress and therefore the most important politicians in the country. With their attack, Trump’s supporters wanted to prevent the confirmation of Joe Biden’s election victory. Five people died in this attack.

Behind bars?

An American president who is impeached and has to go to court has never happened before. So far: Trump is the first to stand his ground in the dock. The four biggest allegations:

  1. He is said to have incited his fans and deliberately provoked the attack on the Capitol.
  2. He is accused of trying to influence the last election by putting pressure on others.
  3. He is said to have falsified documents and paid hush money.
  4. He also has to explain whether he actually caused secret documents to disappear.

Trump himself pleaded not guilty in all cases.

Second round for Trump?

There is an eventful time behind Donald Trump. But one thing is clear to him: he wants to know it again and become president a second time. Despite his problems, polls show he still has many followers. And should he be convicted in court: Legally, Trump could probably rule from prison.

So the race is on. The next elections will take place on November 5th.

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