The historical picture of the Three Musketeers in epidemic prevention exposed You Shuhui’s 12-character sour: the one who laughs at the end is the one who wins-Politics-China Times News

The command center commander Chen Shizhong (from left), the deputy commander Chen Zongyan, and the deputy head of the medical emergency team Wang Bisheng held a press conference on the epidemic in the command center. (Provided by the Central Epidemic Command Center / Central News Agency) The historical screen of the Three Musketeers of Epidemic … Read more

Chen Shizhong did not join the cabinet!Internet riots point out the inside story of “three words”: the DPP is super scared-Politics-China Times News

Former Vice President Chen Chien-jen will be inaugurated as Premier on the 31st, and the list of new cabinets continues to be revealed, but Chen Shih-chung, the former Minister of Health and Welfare who once represented the Democratic Progressive Party in the mayor election of Taipei, has not been seen, sparking heated discussions outside. KMT … Read more

Xu Qiaoxin’s “rabbit” voice accepts Peng Wenzheng’s exclusive interview and the reason for “beating the DPP to death” is exposed-Politics

Xu Qiaoxin accepted an exclusive interview with Peng Wenzheng on the first day of the Lunar New Year (22nd). (Taken from Peng Wenzheng’s “Politics and Economy Cannot Be Closed”) Peng Wenzheng, a senior media professional and a professor at the Front Office News Institute, had an exclusive video interview with Taipei City Councilor Xu Qiaoxin … Read more

Consoling Su Zhenchang for being unable to show introspection, and Chen Shizhong as the deputy cabinet?Tsai Ing-wen responded – Politics – China Times

It is said that Chen Shizhong will serve as the deputy cabinet?Tsai Ing-wen responded to @ChinaTimes​ At the beginning of the new year, President Tsai Ing-wen made a speech this morning (1st) and accepted questions from the media following the speech. When asked regarding the Japanese scholar Ogasawara, he was pleased to mention that the … Read more

Chen Shizhong said that there was no vaccine handover ceremony Huang Guangqin choked: Did you get drunk first?Say less about other official words-Politics-China Times News

Wang Bisheng, the commander of the Central Epidemic Command Center, said that “the purchase of BNT next-generation vaccine has not been ruled out from the beginning to the end. This is a part of the future vaccine plan.” Huang Guangqin, a senior media person, pointed out on Facebook today (23) that Wang Bisheng He went … Read more

Chen Shizhong’s defeat and review of these two things made netizens go crazy and angry Qiao: No wonder you lost the election-Politics-China Times News

Chen Shih-chung, who was unsuccessful in running for mayor of Taipei, was invited by DPP Changhua County Councilor-elect Huang Baiyu to attend a meeting held in his office. During the meeting, he blamed the intermediary law for his defeat. He even said that “if the mainland blocks Taiwan, the U.S. military can send warships to … Read more

Xu Qiaoxin resurrected with full blood!Luo Zhiqiang revealed that 26,000 people were stunned by this trick of “straight into the cockroach nest”-Politics-China Times News

Xu Qiaoxin resurrected with full blood!Luo Zhiqiang revealed that “this trick” went straight to the cockroach nest and screamed: the flank was killed to the ground@中时新闻网​​ KMT Taipei City Councilor Xu Qiaoxin, who recently attacked DPP Taipei mayoral candidate Chen Shih-chung, was suspended by Facebook for 6 days. Xu announced on the 14th that she … Read more

Chen Shizhong doesn’t want to choose?From “this sentence”, the house god sees the mysterious net shock: God has eyes – Politics – Zhongshi News Network

Chen Shizhong, a candidate for mayor of Taipei from the Democratic Progressive Party, said in an interview a few days ago that he would not want to be a commander once more if the time came once more, which sparked discussions from all walks of life. The famous “house god” Zhu Xueheng bluntly said that … Read more