Latvian insurance companies’ turnover has increased significantly

In 2023, Latvian insurance companies and branches of foreign insurance companies wrote a total of EUR 1.119 billion in gross premiums, compared to EUR 998.682 million in 2022. In turn, in the form of gross compensation, insurers paid a total of 710.931 million euros compared to 642.558 million euros a year earlier. The amount of … Read more

The United States imposed sanctions for crypto-assistance to Russia in circumventing sanctions

The US Treasury Department has expanded its sanctions list to include 11 companies and two individuals associated with cryptocurrency trading. It was published on the official website of the Ministry of Finance on Monday, March 25. “Russia is increasingly turning to alternative payment mechanisms to circumvent United States sanctions and continue to finance the war … Read more

How Santander remunerates deposits

The bank offers personalized deposits at 2.5% and rewards payroll direct debit with up to 500 euros. Santander has been the last of the large banks to improve its liability offering through the launch of custom deposits, a formula that other larger entities have resorted to, the most reluctant to remunerate their clients’ savings in … Read more

BANKING WORKERS STRIKE | Massive strike in the bank, with its employees and consultants on a war footing

The bank live this Friday a massive day of strikewith the employees of the banking entities and one of their main consulting firms DXC, which maintains the applications of CaixaBank y Banco Sabadell, up in arms. The unions estimate the monitoring of the protests at more than 70% and warn that these could have an … Read more

the jackpot of 130 million euros won this Friday

By Théo Dausce Published on 03/15/2024 at 1:09 p.m., Updated yesterday at 3:56 p.m. Gambling can be dangerous: loss of money, family conflicts, addiction. JOEL SAGET / AFP If the lucky winner is not a Frenchman, another prize of 420,000 euros was still won in mainland France. A player won the 130 million euros in … Read more

Ayuso’s partner lied to the Treasury according to the two companies for which he brokered | Madrid News

González’s story is surprising because it assumes that the participating companies had the ability to anticipate the crisis, foreseeing a business opportunity. Also striking is the alleged role of the company IHD Inteconn, whose task is not clear and whose name does not appear in the official business directory of the State of Florida. More … Read more

Fotowatio sues Mexico before the ICSID, the arbitration body of the World Bank | Economy

The Spanish firm with Saudi capital Fotowatio Renewable Ventures has filed an arbitration claim before the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID), the arbitration body dependent on the World Bank based in Washington, according to the website of the mentioned organization. It is one more chapter in the confrontation of the Government of … Read more

The nerves of the plot of the ‘Koldo case’ in the face of the claim of the Balearic Government: “It is to put one for prevarication” | Spain

The nerves of the plot of the ‘Koldo case’ in the face of the claim of the Balearic Government: “It is to put one for prevarication” | Spain | THE COUNTRY _ _ _ The conversations intervened between Juan Carlos Cueto and Koldo García show their concern about the initiative of the regional Executive to … Read more