Expats rate the best countries to live in. Panama leads, the Czech Republic pays extra for the Czech language

The best place for expats to live is Panama. It follows from the eleventh year of the Expat Insider index, which is processed by InterNations. It is one of the most comprehensive studies of expat life and collects responses from more than 12,500 expats representing 175 nationalities in 174 countries or territories. Of the European … Read more

Religious tourism has started – Jehovah’s Witnesses bring 50,000 guest nights

Among the big religious events of this year, the Jehovah’s Witnesses Conference in July stands out, to which nearly 30 thousand domestic and foreign participants are expected, which is roughly 50 thousand guest nights means, writes a turizmus.com. After twenty-one years, the international congress of the Jehovah’s Witnesses community will be held in Hungary once … Read more

BB.lv: The views turned out to be temporary: Latvia lost the money of non-residents

The Sejm Commission on Defense, Internal Affairs and Corruption Prevention last week received a report signed by Prime Minister Evika Silina (New Unity) on persons with a residence permit. Crimean Peak From July 1, 2010 to December 31, 2023, as part of the investment program, the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs issued 19,776 initial … Read more

Due to the Iranian embargo, the US may not have liked the visit of the Iranian president, Aizaz Chaudhry – Pakistan

Former Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhry, speaking in today’s news program “Robro” said that this visit was important during the Iran-Israel conflict, but the Iranian president continued the pre-arranged visit, which was Iran’s attack on Pakistan. It shows confidence. Aizaz Chaudhry said that the visit of the Iranian president may not have been liked by the … Read more

Andorra requires foreigners living there to speak Catalan

Catalan is the official language of the 468-square-kilometer Andorra, which lies between France and Spain’s Catalonia region, but its use has declined in recent years. The purpose of the law is to maintain the status of this language. Of the 80,000 Andorran residents, regarding half are citizens of this country. The country is also home … Read more

residence permits are distributed very sparingly

Brought 1.6 billion From July 1, 2010 until the end of last year, the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (OCMA) issued 19.8 thousand under the residence permit program for investments. similar permissions. In 273 cases, investors were denied residence permits, and 3,387 of them were cancelled. As of December 31, 2023, there were 4,412 … Read more

“Foreigners? We need classes with a majority of Italians” –

The government agrees on the line to be taken regarding the presence of foreigners in classes. “We need a ceiling for foreign students, 20% per class”, are the words spoken yesterday by Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini in an interview with Porta a Porta. And today it is the Minister of Education Giuseppe Valditara who … Read more

An Indian living in Latvia shared his observations about Latvians

While browsing Instagram or Tik Tok content, from time to time you can see foreigners living in Latvia making various videos regarding our country. Yes, sometimes with strong humor and irony. “360TV ZIŅneši” learned how they see Latvia and Latvians with their own eyes by meeting with Gokul from India, living in Riga. Gokul came … Read more