Russian troops are concentrating forces close to the border within the Belgorod area

Russian troops are concentrating a gaggle of unspecified numbers within the western Belgorod area close to the border with Ukraine, more likely to appeal to Ukrainian forces to the world and put together for offensive operations to increase the Russian bridgehead within the border areas, the American Institute for the Examine of Warfare writes in … Read more

What does an individual flip into? The surgeon sees what the folks of Latvia have introduced themselves to

And earlier Sergei Lebedkov dropped, speaking with “I take a look at an individual now and see that he’s degenerating.” When a surgeon talks regarding this, seeing what’s going on inside folks, disappointing ideas come up. Possibly what lovers of conspiracy theories have lengthy warned regarding has begun to come back true, that an … Read more

The US will allocate a new package of military aid to Ukraine

On Friday, the United States announced a new package of military assistance to Ukraine worth $400 million once morest the backdrop of an attempt by Russian troops to break through the defense line of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kharkov direction. The package includes highly mobile artillery missile systems and missiles, as well … Read more The views turned out to be temporary: Latvia lost the money of non-residents

The Sejm Commission on Defense, Internal Affairs and Corruption Prevention last week received a report signed by Prime Minister Evika Silina (New Unity) on persons with a residence permit. Crimean Peak From July 1, 2010 to December 31, 2023, as part of the investment program, the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs issued 19,776 initial … Read more

Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs Operation Illegal 2023: Expulsions, Criminal Cases, and Migration Legislation Violations

2023-11-07 20:20:36 As part of the operational-preventive operation “Illegal 2023,” in the period from June 19 to 25 and from October 2 to October 8, regarding 15,000 decisions were made on the administrative expulsion or deportation of foreign citizens from Russia. About it reported official representative of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs Irina Volk. … Read more

President Joe Biden’s $100,000 Plastic Surgery: Insights from Senior Plastic Surgeon, Gary Motiki

2023-08-31 15:56:15 Gary Motiki, a senior plastic surgeon in the US state of California, revealed that President Joe Biden spent $100,000 on plastic surgery, including facelifts, eyebrow lifts and hair transplants. “I expect Biden to have spent up to $100,000 today on plastic surgery if he had these procedures here in Beverly Hills,” Motiki said … Read more

Revolutionary Drug Discovery: A Breakthrough in Bowel Cancer Treatment Without Surgery

2023-08-21 06:24:32 Al-Marsad Newspaper: Experiments revealed a new drug that can eradicate bowel cancer and eliminate the need for surgeries. The drug is also used in some types of lung cancer and has been shown to be effective in endometrial and stomach cancer. When given in combination with radiotherapy and chemotherapy, durvalumab can destroy cancers … Read more

Sleeve Gastrectomy: Exploring the Positive Impact on Marital Relationships and Sexual Desire

2023-08-02 14:03:58 Al-Marsad Newspaper: Obesity surgery consultant Dr. Nayef Al-Enezi revealed the link between sleeve gastrectomy operations and the marital relationship following he underwent 15,000 operations. And he said during an interview with Al-Ikhbariya channel: “Sleeve surgery is very excellent, it increases sexual desire and its results on the marital relationship are positive. The lower … Read more