Greenpeace on the global plastic agreement: States must limit toxic plastic production worldwide

2023-05-26 04:01:15 New Greenpeace report highlights toxic dangers of virgin and recycled plastic and calls for end of virgin plastic production by 2040 Vienna/Paris (OTS) – Before the negotiations on the UN’s Global Plastics Agreement in Paris (May 29 to June 2), Greenpeace is calling for countries to effectively combat plastic pollution worldwide, primarily by … Read more

Inland shipping in focus: meeting place on the Danube at the world’s largest logistics trade fair | via danube

2023-05-17 11:26:44 Waterway in an innovative perspective of the future – viadonau and the Austrian Danube ports deliver a successful guest performance by Donaulogistik at the transport logistic in Munich Vienna (OTS) – With a competent appearance, concentrated expert know-how and attractive waterway focuses, viadonau, the ports of Linz, Krems, Vienna, Ennshafen and WienCont together … Read more

“Corleone Takes a Stand: Mayor’s Decision to Distance from Mafia Past Brings Attention to Riina Family’s Ties”

2023-05-12 18:29:00 Riina’s son has never officially distanced himself from Cosa Nostra. That’s why he could still be associated with the Sicilian Mafia. The 46-year-old “Salvuccio” returned to his homeland in April last year. According to the Italian online journal “DirettaSicilia”, he had previously been absent for a long time due to imprisonment. Mayor Nicolo … Read more

PS5 always cheaper – frustration among hamster buyers – games

2023-05-03 10:05:07 Due to the increased production, the coveted game consoles are slowly but surely becoming cheaper and easier to obtain – which annoys some. During the pandemic, quarantine and Corona measures people to travel, meet friends and attend events. Many therefore rely on entertainment at home. Whether televisions, game consoles or PCs – the … Read more

#dif23: DIF anniversary year brings Ottakringer Inselbier to the domestic trade

2023-04-27 10:11:07 For the eighth time, the Ottakringer brewery has brewed an island beer especially for the DIF. Mayor Dr. Michael Ludwig took over personally today. Vienna (OTS/SPW) – For 40 years, the Danube Island Festival has stood for respectful cooperation, social cohesion and solidarity. This is proven by the largest open-air festival in Europe … Read more

“Borders on usury”: Vegan meat substitutes are up to 280 percent more expensive

2023-04-25 04:01:33 With 3 examples from supermarkets, the citizens’ initiative oekoreich shows enormous price differences between meat and meat substitutes and calls for price reductions Vienna (OTS) – Groceries are becoming more and more expensive, and for many people shopping is now associated with stress. This also applies to those who try to make a … Read more

10 years of Rana Plaza: Südwind calls for tightening of the EU supply chain law

2023-04-24 10:03:07 In order to remedy persistent grievances and ensure human rights in production, Südwind calls for a stricter supply chain law and calls for a rally. Vienna (OTS) – Vienna, April 24, 2023. Exactly 10 years ago today, the Rana Plaza textile factory in Bangladesh, where fashion was produced for many global companies under … Read more