New flu vaccine to protect against all influenza viruses – healing practice

Universal flu vaccine to provide comprehensive protection An American research team presents a new flu vaccine that is intended to offer more comprehensive protection against influenza viruses. According to a recent study, the universal vaccine has the potential to significantly improve immune protection against influenza. Researchers from Georgia State University report in the journal “Biomaterials‘ … Read more

NHSO invites loved ones to be surveyed, if they are 7 risk groups, warns of free “flu vaccine”

Dr. Jadet Thammathatchaaree, secretary-general of the National Health Security Office (NHSO)NHSO.) said vaccineprevent influenza It is a service that promotes health and prevents disease that is necessary for people from 7 groups at risk for every treatment right to preventComplicationsfrom infection influenza not to cause severe symptoms and death But with the cost of receiving … Read more

13 new fever clinics in Xiamen where patients can go to see a doctor – People’s Livelihood – Southeast Net Xiamen Channel

Xiamen adds 13 fever clinics Pediatric influenza patients are gradually declining, but still in the peak period of influenza epidemics, June 30 (Strait Herald reporter Li Fangfang correspondent Chen Ping Li Xin) In order to further strengthen influenza prevention and control, Xiamen has recently added 13 fever clinics inside and outside the island, and … Read more

what kind of cough Sick with “COVID” : dry cough, cough with mucus, resounding cough

cough It is the body’s response mechanism to abnormalities in the respiratory system. as a mechanism for eliminating pathogens mucus or foreign body in the respiratory tract Female Dr. Puangrat Tangthitikul, M.D. Specialist in Internal Medicine, Respiratory Diseases and Respiratory Crisis internal medicine center Nawavej Hospital Describe the nature of coughing in detail. and anniversary … Read more

New research blocks influenza virus replication in human cells | Immune System | Protein

[The Epoch Times, June 11, 2022](The Epoch Times reporter Li Shaowei compiled and reported) New research has found a way to completely block ainfluenzaReplication of virus strains in human cells.Researchers say this technique has the potential to be used to fight the fluVirusThe most effective method and has the potential to expand to combat the … Read more

Never again flu? Replication of influenza virus has been completely blocked – healing practice

Flu soon a disease of the past? Every year, especially in winter, many people get sick with the Flu. A way has now been identified to transmit a strain of the flu virus to its prevent proliferation in cells. This finding could lead to highly effective treatments for the flu and other respiratory viruses such … Read more

“Doctor Manoon” reveals the warning signal “Influenza A” is coming back to spread

May 20, 2022 “Doctor Manu” or Dr. Manoon Leechawengwong respiratory specialist Wichaiyut Hospital Post a message through a Facebook page. “Doctor Manoon Leechawengwong FC” mention “Influenza A” that is returning to a new epidemic by “Doctor Manu” indicate that Warning signs “Influenza A” is coming back to spread again After being idle for more than … Read more

Influenza Causes-Symptoms-Contact-Prevention Who is at risk, click here.

defense Get enough exercise and rest. eat nutritious food influenza vaccination Wash your hands often with soap and water. Avoid crowded places. Avoid close contact with the patient. Do not share things with others, especially the patient. When sick, wear a mask. or use a cloth/tissue to cover your mouth Cover your nose when coughing … Read more