[건강플러스] Gum disease is more common than the common cold… Failure to chew food can increase the risk of dementia

Oral health affecting health in old age… Get regular oral examinationsPeriodontal disease, more common than the common cold… 17.4 million hospital visits per yearIncreased incidence of systemic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and stroke Regular oral examinations are required to prevent tooth loss and dry mouth. “ Oral health in old age. Clip Art … Read more

Anxiety in old age, which medication to treat?

Many people complain that the older they get, the more anxious they feel. Anxiety in old age is one of the most common psychological symptoms. According to the Korean Society of Geriatric Psychiatry, the elderly experience great psychological stress due to bereavement, retirement, economic hardship, the possibility of being a target of crime, and abuse. … Read more

Hundreds of “old people” rushed in. supermarket Items are not discounted, but because of this.

Shocked the online world when those clips were shared. “old man” Many lives invade him supermarket On some broad days, when the images were shared online, it was a big surprise. what happened to the group “old man” in the clip The clip was published from China. after having a group “old man” Dozens of … Read more

Watch.. a poet recites a poem in front of a tribal sheikh to ask for a job for his young orphan neighbor

Al-Marsad newspaper: A young Saudi orphan resorted to a unique way to get a job that would secure him a monthly salary. The young man decided to use a well-known poet to apply for a job. Al-Mutairi actually undertook this task, and went to the council of one of the well-known tribal sheikhs, and recited … Read more

61-year-old “Immortal God” Fei Xiang’s latest photos reveal that “beard covers handsome face” almost unrecognizable | Entertainment | CTWANT

He became popular in the 1980s and was once the male god Fei Xiang in the eyes of many mothers-in-law. Because of his handsome mixed-race face and tall and straight figure, he was a model of Prince Charming in the eyes of many female fans. Before Fei Xiang celebrated his 60th birthday, he also exposed … Read more

Elderly people should be vaccinated with “Covid vaccine”, the doctor raised the case, didn’t get the vaccine. make heavy lung

from the epidemic situation new wave of covid from Oh Micron BA.5 As a result, the number of covid infections has increased, which “Doctor Manu” Dr. Manoon Leechawengwong or respiratory specialist Wichaiyut Hospital Facebook post Mor Manoon Leechawengwong FC Disclosure: Yes elderly A large number of them have not yet been received. “Covid Vaccine” even … Read more

After describing her as an ‘old woman’, Lama Rahwanji, the wife of Yazan al-Sayed, replied: I have been with my feelings for 10 years.

Syrian beauty expert Lama Rahwanji, wife of Syrian actor Yazan al-Sayed, responded to the criticism she was recently exposed to, as a number of followers described her as an “old man” and demanded that she retire after a photo session. Lama shared with her followers a set of photos from a new photo session, in … Read more

What’s new in the case of Bishop Musa Al-Hajj? And what is the relationship of Sheikh Al-Aql?

The case of Archbishop Moussa al-Hajj is still stuck in more than one aspect despite the decline in the media hype around it, as is the case with most political issues in Lebanon, but it is clear that attempts to reach a settlement that end this crisis continue. According to informed sources, the continued withholding … Read more