New McDonald’s Restaurants Open in France: Corsica Spared from Frenetic Development

2023-12-21 17:00:07 Forges-les-Eaux (Seine-Maritime), La Guerche-de-Bretagne (Ille-et-Vilaine), Carbonne (Haute-Garonne)… Since the start of the week, three new McDonald’s restaurants have opened their doors in France. Another will be inaugurated on Tuesday, December 26, in Auxonne (Côte-d’Or), bringing the number of brands to 1,560 nationwide. Only one metropolitan region, Corsica, is spared from this frenetic development, … Read more

Defending Sovereignty and Unity: President of Russia’s Vision for the Future

2023-12-17 21:59:50 “Together with all the people of Russia [мы будем] to defend the sovereignty, freedom, security of Russia, everything that is dear to us – our history, culture, values ​​and traditions. Strengthen the economy, social sphere, scientific and technological potential in the interests of people and the well-being of millions of Russian families. And … Read more

The CEO of the Competition Authority answers • Al-Marsad newspaper

2023-12-04 20:43:08 Al-Marsad newspaper: Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Zoum, CEO of the General Authority for Competition, revealed that car prices in the Kingdom are higher than in neighboring countries. He said during an interview with the “In the Picture” program: In 2018, when we wanted to build the Authority’s strategy, we conducted a general study of all … Read more

Food Reheating Risks: What To Avoid to Prevent Toxins

2023-12-03 19:41:29 When some foods are reheated, they can release toxins due to microbiological and chemical processes that occur during storage and heating. A common example is rice, which can harbor spores of Bacillus cereus, a bacteria that produces heat-resistant toxins. (Keep reading: Foods that can help reduce inflammation) By reheating rice, these spores can … Read more

The Reason Why Airplane Passengers Must Hang Up Their Mobile Phones According to Khaled Tash of Saudi Airlines Group

2023-11-27 19:45:03 Al-Marsad newspaper: Khaled Tash, head of marketing for the Saudi Airlines Group, revealed, during his appearance as a guest on the “In the Picture” program, the reason why plane passengers hang up their mobile phones during boarding and landing. The program presenter, Abdullah Al-Mudaifer, asked during the episode, “Why are plane passengers asked … Read more

Flash Evacuation at Ville 2 Shopping Center in Charleroi: More Fear Than Harm

2023-10-21 12:33:40 More fear than harm this Saturday morning at the Ville 2 shopping center in Charleroi. The first customers, as well as staff, were asked to leave the gallery shortly following the center opened. Read also The Asian restaurant “Tenshi” on Boulevard Tirou in Charleroi becomes “Kamen”: “We want to offer a completely new … Read more

How to Keep Spiders Away and Preserve Biodiversity in Your Home

2023-09-17 20:11:28 But what a horror! They are everywhere in our homes, our gardens, at the corner of a door or even in a blanket on the armchair. Spiders are everywhere, but rest assured there is a completely natural explanation for this spider invasion. They are not looking to invade our homes, but rather to … Read more