Breaking News: Mysterious Death Investigation of Aalst Resident near Dendre River

2023-10-01 16:41:30 A lifeless body was discovered this Sunday in the Dendre in Aalst. The macabre discovery was made at around 4 p.m. The lifeless body of a man was recovered on Sunday followingnoon in the Dender, near the lock located near the Leo Gheeraerdtslaan in Aalst (East Flanders). , indicated the local mayor, Christoph … Read more

Shocking Bus Stabbing Caught on Camera: Watch Video Footage of the Terrifying Incident

2023-09-23 05:55:36 Yesterday, while bus 39 was traveling towards Blaarmeersen near the Ghent inner ring road, a man got up to get off the public transport. That’s when another pulled out a large knife and stabbed him in the neck, HNB reports. of videos “This man was stabbed in the neck, but I think he … Read more

How to Keep Spiders Away and Preserve Biodiversity in Your Home

2023-09-17 20:11:28 But what a horror! They are everywhere in our homes, our gardens, at the corner of a door or even in a blanket on the armchair. Spiders are everywhere, but rest assured there is a completely natural explanation for this spider invasion. They are not looking to invade our homes, but rather to … Read more

Hikers Attacked by Asian Hornets in Lier: Urgent Updates & Safety Precautions

2023-08-27 13:19:32 A group of walkers was attacked by Asian hornets this Sunday followingnoon in Lier, in the province of Antwerp. According to information from Het Laatste Nieuws, one of the hikers reacted very badly to the bites and had to be resuscitated. “After the attack, help arrived en masse. One person even had to … Read more

The appearance of giant black holes very early in the history of the Universe intrigues astronomers

2023-06-22 19:16:25 What astronomers call supermassive black holes can “weigh” up to millions of times more than our Sun. Billions, even. A new study even confirms that they appeared surprisingly early in the history of our Universe. You will also be interested [EN VIDÉO] Meet the biggest supermassive black hole in the Universe NASA takes … Read more

Stay Prepared for Thunderstorms and Showers in Belgium – Weather Forecast

2023-06-18 13:37:11 Thunderstorms are expected on Sunday followingnoon, while the mercury will read 23ºC to 28ºC, predicts the Royal Meteorological Institute (IRM) Thanks to the storms, the country will be bathed in a mass of humid and warm air. In the evening and during the night, sometimes stormy showers will pour over the territory from … Read more