Studying in Ramadan took place for the first time in 14 years… He explains, “Is it an obligation or a choice?” • Al Marsad newspaper

Al-Marsad newspaper: The educational consultant, Muhammad Al-Thubaiti, said that the last academic year in Ramadan was 1428 AH, that is, 14 years ago, stressing that attending this year in Ramadan is “a duty and not an option.” Al-Thubaiti added during a program for the “120 Program”: the entire current generation, from the primary level to … Read more

In the video, a consultant reveals 3 categories of diabetics who are prohibited from fasting during Ramadan

Al-Marsad newspaper: Dr. Iman Shesha, a consultant in internal medicine and endocrinology, revealed that most diabetics can fast during the month of Ramadan, explaining at the same time that there is a group that cannot fast. Shesha added, during her interview with Channel 120 via Al-Ekhbariya channel, that those who are exempt from fasting are … Read more

Prevents thirst and maintains weight… An “Egyptian” doctor reveals an “amazing” recipe for suhoor and breakfast in Ramadan

Al-Marsad newspaper: Nahla Abdel-Wahab, a consultant bacteriologist, immunology and nutrition, and head of the bacteriology department at Cairo University Hospital gave her advice for a healthy Ramadan regime. She explained, “According to Sky News”, that the start of suhoor, which should contain a salad that contains more than one type of vegetables, helps to retain … Read more

Saif bin Zayed congratulates the wise leadership and the people of the UAE by the holy month of Ramadan

Abu Dhabi (Etihad) Lieutenant-General Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, congratulated the wise leadership, the people of the Emirates, and the Arab and Islamic nations, on the advent of the holy month of Ramadan. His Highness said in a tweet on his Twitter account: “I congratulate the wise … Read more

The month of Ramadan begins on Saturday in Saudi Arabia and in 12 Arab countries, on Sunday in the Sultanate of Oman and in Jordan

AA/Istanbul Ramadan 2022 will begin on Saturday April 2 in several Arab countries. Announcements were made in Saudi Arabia and 12 Arab countries by local authorities responsible for confirming the start of the holy month. Religious authorities in Saudi Arabia have announced that Saturday April 2 corresponds to the first day of the holy month … Read more

The fact that Bisht and 5 thousand riyals were granted by the Supreme Court to those who testify about the sighting of the Ramadan crescent

Al-Marsad newspaper: The correspondent of “Al-Ikhbariya” channel confirmed that the Supreme Court denied granting any person who testified by sighting the crescent of the month of Ramadan, “Bisht”, and 5,000 riyals, indicating that this was not in its belief in the first place. He added that whoever testifies about seeing the crescent of Ramadan is … Read more

The Institute of Astronomy in Egypt announces the first days of Ramadan • Al Marsad newspaper

Al-Marsad newspaper: The National Institute for Astronomical Research in Egypt revealed the phenomenon of “the moon of Ramadan,” where the moon shone with the sun this Friday morning, and will set with it on that day, and therefore tomorrow, Saturday, is the first day of Ramadan. The Astronomical Institute said – according to Al-Ahram website … Read more

Dar Al Iftaa organizes today an official celebration on the occasion of the sighting of the crescent of the month of Ramadan

The Egyptian Dar Al Iftaa is organizing a large official and popular celebration this Friday evening in the Grand Celebration Hall of the Al-Azhar Conference Center in Nasr City, on the occasion of reconnaissance of the crescent of the blessed month of Ramadan and announcing the results of the legitimate vision, and the findings of … Read more