The retina reveals it – Lifespan recognizable by the eye *** BILDplus Content *** – Health

The retina reveals it | Lifespan visible to the eye Photo: dpa Picture-Alliance/ Marijan Murat article from: Laura Krimmer published on 01/21/2022 – 2:47 p.m Our sensitive eye lets doctors see how the rest of our bodies are doing An international team discovered a link between the biological age of a person’s retina and their … Read more

The SME and its lack of investment in emotional well-being (despite the pandemic) | SME

77% of small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) do not have a budget for the emotional well-being of their employees. This information appears in a study prepared by Kenjo, a Human Resources software for SMEs, in collaboration with ifeel and Appinio. According to this report, 60% of workers feel more stressed since the start of the … Read more

Possible cause of multiple sclerosis discovered – Health

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is also likely caused by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection. That shows a new study. 2.8 million people are affected by the disease Multiple Sclerosis affected. A chronic, inflammatory, neurological disease that affects the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and has no cure. But a study led by Alberto Ascherio, a … Read more

Herpes virus appears to be the cause of multiple sclerosis

Berlin – The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) could play a key role in the development of multiple sclerosis (MS). An infection with the widespread pathogen increases the risk of the autoimmune disease by a factor of about 32, according to American researchers in a recent study in the journal Science. “This work is the last piece … Read more

Egypt – A study finds reasons why our planet is so large and prevented from…

(MENAFN– Youm7) A study of astronomers from Rice University in Houston, Texas, revealed that long before the planets formed in the solar system, the sun had rings similar to those around Saturn, and may have stopped the growth of the planet, so it became this size and did not swell, and these rings were seen … Read more