Tasca d’Almerita management model with business intelligence

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Business intelligence to rationalize company management, have real-time control of all flows, identify pockets of inefficiency. All thanks to a management control system based on business intelligence on the Microsoft Power BI platform. A model that in Sicily, in the wine sector, was started by Tasca D’Almerita, the historic wine company with headquarters in Palermo: if it is not the first in the sector to adopt this model, we are close to it. A model created thanks to a perfect triangulation between Sicilian companies or those with the presence of Sicilians: Tasca, in fact, and then the Palermo company Lookout and Kubisco, a company which includes Francesco Bergamaschi from Palermo, consultant and corporate trainer in business intelligence and business analytics and adjunct professor at the University of Bologna.

A front of innovation in a sector, such as the wine sector (but obviously not only), still anchored to tradition and a cumbersomeness that does not always help the efficiency of companies. And it is precisely to increasingly spread this business management model that a conference will be held on Monday 22 April at the Sicindustria Palermo headquarters, also sponsored by the Orders of Chartered Accountants of Palermo and Caltanissetta: the objective, the organizers explain, is to make people understand to entrepreneurs and consultants the importance of equipping themselves with these tools. «Until 2023 – says Alberto Tasca, CEO of the historic Sicilian company – we used our own management model with business intelligence focused exclusively on the sales sector. Now we have taken a further step forward which allows us to have a clear idea in real time of all company areas but also allows us to think regarding possible scenarios and therefore to change strategy or redesign the strategy”. In short, a tool that is part of a strategy entirely based on innovation that the Palermo company has been implementing for years: «For us – explains the administrative director of Tasca d’Almerita Fabio Tornatore – it is now a fundamental tool: the graphic representation, simple and intuitive, it is the result of a complex analysis of all company aspects.”

LookOut, a company with registered office in Rome and operational headquarters in Carini in the province of Palermo, an innovative startup founded in 2011 by Gaetano Lombardo and Michele Mazzola who is its general manager, played and continues to play a key role. «We have many customers in the agri-food and wine sector – explains Michele Mazzola – but in this case we have made great progress with notable benefits, we think, for company management. In this case, in fact, it is not a simple management software but something that goes beyond, just think, just to give an example, of the possibility of controlling industrial costs in real time. There are 450 modules integrated with company systems which provide a clear picture of what is happening in the company which can also be consulted remotely.” Another step forward, meanwhile, but the prospect is now that of integration with artificial intelligence.

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2024-04-20 20:19:45

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