The flu epidemic threatens and promises to be early, in an already difficult context

Credit: illustration Envato – DR

Metropolitan France is increasingly threatened by seasonal flu, health authorities reported on Wednesday, with the epidemic announcing itself early in a health context already made difficult by a persistent Covid-19 and an outbreak of bronchiolitis.

Last week was marked by a “increase in all influenza indicators“, summarized in a weekly report the public health agency France. This trend concerned all age groups, while being more pronounced in children under 15.

In mainland France, five regions are now in the “pre-epidemic” phase : Centre-Val-de-Loire, Hauts-de-France, Île-de-France and Normandy join Brittany, already in this situation for two weeks. Overseas, the epidemic has already been declared in Martinique, Mayotte and Reunion. If influenza viruses circulate frequently in October-November in Reunion, it is “atypical“At this time in the West Indies and Mayotte, notes Public Health France.

Consultations on the rise

In absolute terms, the number of cases is still low in mainland France and is not likely to immediately put the healthcare system in difficulty. But their increase is strong : consultations for flu-like illness jumped by two-thirds compared to the previous week and the number of visits to the emergency room for flu or flu-like symptoms by 39%.

This probably gives the starting signal for the epidemic, at some point earlier than what has generally been observed in previous years. The seasonal flu epidemic would occur in particular much earlier than in 2021/2022, when it turned out to be particularly late.

Vaccination down sharply

In this context, it is strongly recommended that people at risk and healthcare professionals get vaccinated against the seasonal flu without delay“, reaffirmed Public Health France. The vaccination campaign against influenza, which concerns in particular people over 65, has been launched for a big month. But she does not take off. The main pharmacist unions alerted this week to a significant delay compared to last year.

(with AFP)

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