US rapper Scott not prosecuted for stampede

2023-06-30 01:12:44

US rapper Travis Scott is not criminally prosecuted for a deadly stampede at a festival in the state of Texas. No prosecution will be considered, Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg’s office said on Thursday. Ten people died in the mass panic during the Astroworld festival in Texas, which Scott helped organize in November 2021.

“It is tragic that ten innocent people died while enjoying an entertaining evening of music,” said the prosecutor. “But tragedy is not crime and death is not murder,” she added.

The mass panic had occurred at the Astroworld festival in downtown Houston with around 50,000 spectators. She broke out during rapper Travis Scott’s performance. Hundreds more people were injured. Numerous lawsuits had been filed against the organizers of the festival because they did not ensure the safety of the participants. The now published decision of the judiciary only affects criminal proceedings, civil proceedings are still possible.

#rapper #Scott #prosecuted #stampede

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