Eat it daily..a common and “cheap” fruit that eliminates belly fat and lowers harmful cholesterol.

Al-Marsad newspaper: Visceral fat, also known as belly fat, is the most important thing when thinking about losing weight because it has a bad appearance.

In addition, it increases the risk of developing chronic complications because it lies near vital organs.

There is a type of fruit that you eat daily that helps break up these fats, which is the avocado.

Avocados are an excellent fruit because they are a source of heart-healthy fats, rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and various other essential nutrients, according to the timesofindia website. They also contain a low percentage of carbohydrates and a large amount of potassium, copper, niacin, magnesium, manganese, riboflavin and antioxidants.

It also contains a monounsaturated fat called oleic acid, which has been linked to many health benefits other than weight loss. Studies have linked oleic acid to reduced inflammation and a lower risk of heart disease. It has been shown that a diet containing monounsaturated fats improves blood sugar control.

It reduces bad cholesterol. Here are the reasons why you need to add avocados to your diet to lose weight: – Feeling full throughout the day: because the fat and fiber content in this fruit slows down the secretion of food in the stomach, which makes you eat fewer calories, and thus lose weight.

Avocados are also high in soluble fiber, which has been shown to reduce belly fat by suppressing appetite. Although it is rich in fat and calories, studies show that it helps you lose weight and maintain it.

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