Explosive dossier of ritual slaughter: deputies bombarded with thousands of emails

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A technique of pressure exerted by the two camps which obstructs the work of the elected officials.

The question of slaughter with or without stunning continues to arouse passions. This sensitive file, which has been the subject of several proposals for orders, will be further debated in the Brussels Parliament in the coming weeks. And to try to influence the Brussels deputies who will carry these debates, the camp in favor of stunning before the killing of animals and the one who defends the religious method try to put pressure with a campaign of mass mailing of emails. Shipments that number in the thousands.

“If I count only the emails that invite to defend the method of slaughter without prior stunning, I have received more than 4,800 for at least a week. That’s several emails per minute”says Victoria Austraet, animalist deputy. “I’ve been in politics for more than 10 years and email campaigns to pressure, I’ve seen a lot. But never on this scale”adds David Leisterh, president of the Brussels federation of MR.

Most emails are form letters. Some are sometimes added with a personalized message, but overall the content is very similar.

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