Woman receives brutal attack from her dog in the US: she ended up with an amputated leg and a mutilated arm | Society

After attacking the owner’s friend, the dog pounced on her and caused serious injuries to her body. The woman was helped by her daughter and her brother-in-law, who called the police. The victim underwent six operations, where she had to amputate a leg. An American woman was attacked by her breed dog pitbullcalled Herculeswhile they … Read more

“An animal was introduced to the Louvre Museum in Paris.” An American artist flaunts her action

American artist Demi Moore has surprised the French by introducing her dog to the Louvre Museum in Paris, despite the museum’s strict policy towards taking animals into its galleries. The 59-year-old Hollywood star posted pictures of her visit to the Paris exhibition on “Instagram”, and showed fans how she enjoyed seeing the Mona Lisa and … Read more

First report of a person infected with Corona 19 in a cat in Thailand : Dong-A Science

A veterinarian collects a sample from an 8-year-old cat to test for infection with the new coronavirus in Manhattan, New York, USA. Courtesy of Archyde.com/Yonhap News In Thailand, the first case of infection with a novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in a cat has been reported. The international scientific journal Nature reported on the 29th (local … Read more

New fossils raise controversy over the interpretation of the length of the giraffe’s neck

(MENAFN– Al-Anbaa) An illustrative comparison between two giraffes butting (AFP) The giraffe’s neck was not long from the beginning, but this animal has always preferred to use the butting method to defend its position, which is evidenced by the discovery of a fossil sample of a previously unknown type of giraffe that had what looked … Read more

Approximately 20,000 people tried to stroke the former protection dog Tsundere with a laugh … “37 seconds until you let me touch it” | Hint-Pot

What action did Hana take in front of the owner’s hand trying to stroke … (Image is a screenshot) It is said that dogs prefer to act according to their routines, such as eating, walking, and toileting. As with humans, having a regular life is very important for dogs to maintain their physical and mental … Read more

Parachuting salamanders: amphibians learned to glide in the face of the risk of falls and predators | Society

The scientists in charge of the investigation studied the small amphibians of California to learn more about this behavior. Through a video they recorded this curious ability of animals. The adaptation of animals is a fairly common situation in nature and has occurred in countless species of the animal kingdom. This is the case of … Read more