Tragic Family Drama: Couples’ Apparent Murder-Suicide Shocks Bornem, Antwerp

2023-10-27 09:41:20 A couple in their sixties were found dead in their apartment in Bornem, in the province of Antwerp. According to the first elements of the investigation, a man killed his wife before committing suicide, report our colleagues. “At present, most of the elements that have already emerged from the investigation point to an … Read more

Family Dispute Leads to Police Intervention and Injury in Colfontaine – Updates on Investigation

2023-10-09 15:20:09 The events occurred this Monday, October 9, around 1 a.m., rue de la Poudrière, in Colfontaine. A family dispute required the intervention of the Boraine police and the dispatch of an ambulance to the scene. Read also Thanks to the hunt organized to find Pierre Pelseneer, missing in Quaregnon, the police received new … Read more

Tragic Incident Involving Russian Couple: Details and Updates

2023-08-31 20:25:39 According to information from HLN, it would be one of the four oldest children of the couple who informed the police around 7 p.m. Unfortunately, it was already too late for the man, in his fifties, when help arrived, while the woman, 45, is alive, but her vital prognosis is engaged. Two of … Read more

The Rise of ‘Evkiza’: A Breakthrough Treatment for Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolemia

2023-08-20 04:10:00 [이데일리 김진호 기자]The’Blockbuster Search Part 1’, which took place throughout 2022, dealt with the world’s best-selling pharmaceuticals in turn from 1 to 55 in 2020, three years ago. ‘Blockbuster Exploration Part 2′ discovers and deals with drugs that have newly generated more than $1 billion in sales last year or are expected to … Read more

Tragic Incident: Man Kills Partner and Child, Commits Suicide in Leuven – Investigation Underway

2023-07-18 15:30:00 Hengchun, the man who apparently killed his partner Yu and one of his children on Monday in Leuven, was found dead near Bokrijk. The investigation by the Limburg prosecutor’s office showed that the suspect committed suicide, said the Leuven prosecutor’s office on Tuesday morning. “Monday followingnoon, at 4:28 p.m., a man called the … Read more

Tragic Incident in Leuven: Investigation Underway into Mysterious Deaths and Suspected Ex-Employer’s Involvement

2023-07-17 16:07:38 “Monday followingnoon, around 4:20 p.m., the police received a report from a man declaring that he had been contacted by his former employer,” said Julie Plevoets, spokesperson for the Leuven prosecutor’s office. “The latter allegedly claimed to have done something to his wife and children.” The police teams then went to the small … Read more