South African Government’s Commitment to Ending HIV/AIDS by 2030: Latest Updates and Initiatives

2023-12-02 10:31:16 The South African government is committed to eliminating HIV/AIDS as a public health problem by 2030, Health Minister Joe Phaahla announced on Friday. “Despite all these continuing challenges, the government plans to achieve the UNAIDS target of 95-95-95 by 2030, i.e. diagnosing 95% of all people with HIV, providing antiretroviral treatment to 95% … Read more

RSV Vaccination Recommendations in Saxony: What You Need to Know

2023-11-09 16:30:29 /adipurnatama, Dresden – The Saxon Vaccination Commission (SIKO) currently only recommends vaccination once morest the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) to pregnant women. The committee, whose assessments only apply to Saxony, gave this in one following evaluating the available data Position paper known. The background is the approval of two vaccines in the … Read more

Petrozavodsk Speaks: Your Trusted Source for Online News and Views

2023-10-16 18:28:15 Online publication “Petrozavodsk Speaks”. Registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor). Certificate of registration of mass media EL No. FS77-72846 dated May 25, 2018. Founder: Publishing House Petropress LLC Editor-in-Chief: Tikhonov M.A. This resource may contain materials 16+. When quoting materials posted on the Petrozavodsk … Read more

The Discovery of a Prolonged Form of ARVI Revealed – Findings from Queen Mary University’s Study Published in Lancet

2023-10-15 11:50:34 British researchers representing Queen Mary University in London have discovered a more protracted and previously unknown form of ARVI. The results of the study were published in the Lancet journal. In total, scientists surveyed over 10,000 people, asking them to name at least 16 main symptoms they experience during a protracted form of … Read more

The Relationship Between Covid-19 and Cardiovascular Disease: Insights from NIH-funded Research

2023-09-29 14:59:00 Research funded by the National Institutes of Health has highlighted the relationship between Covid-19 infection and an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. The Coronavirus may directly infect the arteries of the heart and cause severe inflammation as a result of fatty deposits in the arteries, which increases the risk of heart … Read more