America: There is no evidence that Russia attacked the nuclear reactor in Ukraine

Washington – The United States has seen no evidence that Russia attacked the same reactors at a nuclear power plant in southeastern Ukraine on Thursday, a senior US nuclear energy official said, noting that apparently small arms were used in the fighting. Jill Harroby, Under Secretary of Energy for Nuclear Energy, told MSNBC that … Read more

Putin’s Nuclear Weapons: The Truth About the Red Button

Culture Putin’s nuclear weapons The truth about the red button Status: 08:39 a.m | Reading time: 2 minutes And where is the suitcase? Quelle: Getty Images We know the atomic suitcase with the red button from the cinema. As Russian President, Putin actually has a suitcase called “Cheget”. But triggering such a nuclear world war … Read more

Fear of Putin’s frustration

Tanks without fuel, crying soldiers, mismanagement on several levels: Putin’s war has been a disaster so far, and the Kremlin chief is said to be increasingly frustrated. What is now looming could overshadow the previous bloodshed. It’s been almost seven days since the Kremlin chief Wladimir Putin the raid on the Ukraine commanded. As reported … Read more

The Russian-Ukrainian war may escalate, the Finnish foreign minister warns: Russia is preparing to launch a nuclear war | International | New Head Shell Newtalk

Russian President Vladimir Putin. (File photo) Photo: Dazhi Image/Associated Press Russia’s war against Ukraine has entered its fourth day today (27th). According to the Ukrainian media “Ukrainian Independent”, the Russian army has entered the second largest city in Ukraine, Kharkiv, and the Ukrainian authorities have called on local residents to stay in asylum. inside. Russian … Read more

Another missile launch in North Korea – seventh test since the beginning of the year

missile tests North Korea on Friday confirmed testing four missiles in the past week, including two launches of long-range cruise missiles. (Photo: dpa) Seoul North Korea has reportedly tested ballistic missiles again. South Korea’s chief of staff said on Sunday that North Korea had fired several projectiles towards the sea off its east coast. The … Read more

USA reacts to North Korea’s missile tests with new sanctions

test missile North Korea recently tested six ballistic missiles. (Photo: dpa) Washington The US has reacted to North Korea’s missile tests with new sanctions. The US government announced that the measures were aimed at six North Koreans, one Russian and a Russian company. You are said to have procured North Korea components for the missile … Read more