Russian airstrikes from Ukrainian cities – establishment of evacuation corridors remains uncertain

New York The situation for people in many cities in Ukraine is becoming increasingly dramatic 13 days following the Russian invasion. According to the city council, in the port city of Mariupol, which is under Russian siege, “there is no street without broken windows, destroyed apartments or houses.” The city is without electricity, water and … Read more

Russia is openly threatening to stop Nord Stream 1 deliveries

Nord-Stream-Pipeline Russia is the largest oil supplier in Europe. (Photo: AFP) Moscow After the start of the war once morest Ukraine, Russia openly threatened to stop gas deliveries through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline in the Baltic Sea for the first time. “We have every right to make a ‘mirror-fair’ decision and to issue an … Read more

NL Minister Sigrid Kaag open to tougher sanctions

Brussels The Dutch government is committed to tightening sanctions once morest Russia. “The Netherlands is open to excluding more banks from Swift,” said Dutch Finance Minister Sigrid Kaag in an interview with Handelsblatt and other European media. The EU recently uncoupled several Russian banks from the payment service provider Swift, but spared individual institutions such … Read more

Battles for Mariupol – Russian troops continue to advance towards Kyiv

New York, Düsseldorf During the night of Sunday, fighting in Ukraine, which was attacked by Russia, concentrated on the southern Ukrainian port of Mariupol and the area around the capital Kyiv. Mariupol, besieged by Russian troops, reported dramatic conditions following a failed ceasefire. In addition, the Russian army continued to advance towards Kyiv and other … Read more

World’s largest credit card issuers suspend business in Russia

Visa and Mastercard credit cards Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the two credit card providers are suspending their business in Russia. (Photo: dpa) Washington Because of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the world’s two largest credit card providers, Visa and Mastercard, are suspending their business in Russia. Visa will work with customers and … Read more

Russia blocks Facebook and Twitter

Social networks Twitter and Facebook are no longer available in Russia. (Photo: dpa) Moscow The media regulator in Moscow has blocked the social network Facebook in Russia. The Roskomnadzor authority announced on Friday in Moscow that it was a reaction to the shutdown of several Russian media pages on Facebook. Shortly therefollowing, the Kremlin restricted … Read more

War in Ukraine sends oil prices skyrocketing

Energy from Russia Buyers around the world are currently trying to buy oil from other countries. (Photo: Düsseldorf The war in Ukraine, which Russia is waging with increasing severity, is causing oil prices to explode. The North Sea variety Brent has risen to $113, the highest level since July 2014. The US variety WTI … Read more

Russian news agency mistakenly celebrates victory

Screenshot by Ria Novosti The comment quickly disappeared from the site, but can still be found in the web archive. Berlin As has just become known, the Russian state news agency Ria Novosti published a comment on Russia’s victory over Ukraine on Saturday morning. “A new world is emerging before our eyes,” it says. Russia … Read more