This is why the elderly suffer from insomnia at night

Researchers from Stanford University in the United States have discovered the cause of sleep problems and disorders experienced by the elderly after they reach the age of sixty-five. And the magazine “Science” indicates that experts were aware that with age, sleep becomes disturbed and worsens, but the mechanism causing this problem has not been studied, … Read more

Top 10 Benefits of Sleep Improve Concentration, Lose Weight and Anti-Aging | Weight Control | Depression | Get Enough Sleep

sufficientsleepThere are many health benefits. Over time, sleep deprivation affects more than just your mood in the morning. Research has shown that regular, high-quality sleep can help with everything from controlling blood sugar to enhancing the effects of exercise. That’s why you should sleep as much as your body needs. Several studies have shown thatsleepPeople … Read more

Beware of these sleeping positions because they pose a threat to your life

The specialist in Neuroscience and Neuroscience indicatedsleep​, Dr. Yelena Tsareva, indicated that incorrect sleeping positions may later contribute to serious diseases. Tsareva revealed that sleeping on one side is the most beneficial, but people with heart and lung diseases should sleep on the right side, and pointed out that sleeping on one side, during which … Read more

Covid-19. What is sleep paralysis, a new symptom of the Omicron variant that is worrying?

Posted 01/11/2022 at 3:02 p.m. Each variant of Covid-19 comes with its own set of complications: cough, loss of smell or taste, headaches and now nocturnal paralysis and sweating. But what is it and how to explain it? We get back to you. Each variant comes with its own set of complications: cough, loss of … Read more