The Effect of Excessive TV Watching on Children’s Health: A Study Conducted at a University in New Zealand

2023-07-27 17:40:49

A recent study conducted at a University in New Zealand revealed that children watching TV for long periods of time may lead to serious diseases, including metabolic diseases and heart diseases.

Watching TV and screen addiction is a problem parents face with their children. Forbidding a child or limiting the times he spends watching TV is not easy, which raises parents’ concern because of the dangers it poses to children’s physical and psychological health.

A study conducted by the University of Otago in New Zealand, whose results were published in the journal “Pediatrics”, showed that children and adolescents sitting in front of screens and using them is associated with an increased chance of developing metabolic diseases when they become adults.

Metabolic syndrome is a group of conditions including high blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat and abnormal cholesterol levels that lead to an increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and stroke. According to what was published by the American (Science Daily) website.

The study tracked data from more than 800 people, and researchers found that those who watched TV for longer periods – those between the ages of 5 and 15 – were more likely to develop these conditions at age 45.
The lead supervisor of the study, Dr. Bob Hancox, said that the study does not indicate that television causes these bad health effects, but the reason may be the long time that children spend in front of screens, which leads to a lack of physical activity, and also indicates the possibility of the emergence of bad eating habits. Because of watching advertisements for unhealthy foods, according to what was published by the New Zealand “News Medical Life Science”.

Dr. Hancox added that sitting down to watch TV leads to a lack of activity, “and therefore an increased risk of weight gain and lack of fitness.” For this reason, doctors and specialists recommend organizing the times children spend in front of screens, encouraging them to move, increase physical activity, and ensure that they eat healthy food.

#Beware.. #Children #sitting #front #screens #puts #great #risk

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