The Role of Ghrelin in Appetite Regulation and Weight Management: Importance of Regular Eating Habits

2023-11-25 11:32:07

It induces food intake by making you feel hungry, and if the level continues to be high, it becomes a problem…regular eating is important.

Entered 2023.11.25 20:30 Views 0 Entered 2023.11.25 20:30 Modified 2023.11.25 11:11 Views 0

Ghrelin, known as the hunger hormone, causes feelings of hunger and appetite.[사진=게티이미지뱅크]Why do I feel hungry when it’s time to eat? This is because ‘ghrelin’ is the main ingredient that makes you feel hungry and tells you when you need to eat food.

Ghrelin is also called ‘hunger hormone’ or ‘hunger hormone’, and it induces hunger and food intake when energy is needed. Because it increases appetite, many people regard it as an enemy that interferes with dieting. However, the problem is the ghrelin level. Ghrelin itself is not a problem, but rather plays a very important role in physical health, according to the American health portal ‘Thehealthy’.

Promotes growth hormone secretion and helps metabolism

Experts believe that if humans had not felt hunger due to the absence of ghrelin, most of them would have starved to death due to the inability to properly provide nutrients and energy when needed. In addition, ghrelin helps control blood sugar by encouraging the cerebrospinal fluid to secrete growth hormones and influencing insulin production. It increases gastric motility before a meal, increases gastric acid secretion, helps digestion, and is also involved in metabolism, including determining how energy is used and stored.

Ghrelin levels are generally highest before a meal, but then drop again after eating the required amount of food. The problem is when ghrelin levels are temporarily high even after eating, and you continue to feel hungry. Because you are constantly hungry, you keep eating more, which not only hinders weight loss but also causes weight gain.

Recently, animal testing results showed that ghrelin directly affects the brain and induces eating behavior. 《According to a study published in Neuron, University College London, UK, comparing the behavior and brain images of fed and hungry rats, the results showed that normal rats had time to search for food, but hungry rats had reduced hippocampal brain cell activity and blood The ghrelin level was high so I ate the food right away. Researchers said that the hippocampus normally blocks the instinct to prevent overeating, but when hungry, hormones act on the brain to make people eat food right away, suggesting that humans may be similar.

To keep things ‘moderate’, regular patterns are important.

Since it is true that ghrelin affects appetite and response to food, it is best to make efforts to maintain ghrelin levels at a ‘healthy’ level for proper weight and health. The point here is not to ‘lower’ ghrelin levels, but to ‘moderately’ lower the elevated levels. If ghrelin levels are too low, it can cause some diseases, and if it is too high, it can cause anorexia, inflammatory bowel disease, muscle weakness, etc.

Ghrelin levels change depending on how much you eat and what you eat. Therefore, when you feel hungry, it is good to control excessively high ghrelin levels by drinking water or eating high-protein foods. When you are dehydrated, ghrelin levels rise, and when you are adequately hydrated, ghrelin levels decrease. Additionally, a high-protein diet containing healthy carbohydrates helps maintain appropriate ghrelin levels compared to high-fat foods.

The most important thing is a regular life pattern. Sufficient sleep, a balanced, healthy diet, and maintaining regular meal times help promote regular secretion of hormones. If an irregular eating pattern continues, the body, embarrassed by the prolonged empty stomach, may continue to produce ghrelin to save energy and store more energy.

Appetite suppressing hormone, leptin

There is another appetite hormone that is mentioned along with ghrelin. It is leptin. Unlike ghrelin, leptin, a helical protein secreted from fat cells, suppresses appetite by sending fullness signals to the brain. Leptin is the opposite of ghrelin; when the level is high, your appetite decreases, and when it is low, you keep wanting to eat something. Normally, as body fat increases, the level tends to increase, but if it exceeds a certain level, the level drops, which can cause weight gain. Experts agree that ghrelin and leptin play a role in both increasing and decreasing appetite, so a balance between the two is important.

#Hunger #hormone #ghrelin #enemy #dieting #earth

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