Effective Weight Control Strategies for Middle-Aged Individuals: Importance of Strength Training and Hormonal Changes

2023-10-29 05:44:47

It is difficult for middle-aged people to control their weight due to muscle loss and hormonal changes… strength training should be done concurrently

Entered 2023.10.29 14:44 Views 8 Entered 2023.10.29 14:44 Modified 2023.10.29 14:54 Views 8 If you are having trouble losing weight, it is best to control your diet and combine muscle strengthening exercises with aerobic exercise. [사진=클립아트코리아]

If you are over middle age, you can gain weight more easily than when you were younger. Taking it out is more difficult. Even if you control your diet and exercise, it is difficult to lose weight. Why? This has a lot to do with age. When you reach your 40s to 60s, your muscles and hormones change significantly, making it difficult to achieve diet results like before. Let’s look at some important reasons.

Why am I not losing weight?… Because you lose muscle, you can’t burn calories.

Many people are frustrated because they do not lose weight even if they do aerobic exercise such as walking. In this case, the entire muscle is often lacking. Once you reach your late 30s, your body’s muscles naturally decrease. Some people over 50 lose 1% of their weight each year. Muscles work to burn calories from food, but as this effect decreases, it is difficult to lose weight.

According to data from the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, people who easily gain weight even if they eat only a little and have difficulty losing weight often lack muscle. Even if they focus on aerobic exercise such as walking to lose weight, the diet does not have a significant effect. People with a low basal metabolic rate due to lack of muscle are recommended to do strength training by lifting heavy equipment. For middle-aged people, safety is important when doing strength training.

I was thin when I was young… It is not an ‘excuse’ for a middle-aged woman.

Women who were relatively thin until their 30s tend to gain weight as they approach menopause. This is because female hormones (estrogen) gradually decrease and eventually disappear. This hormone reduces neutral fat-cholesterol in the body, helps you gain less weight, and protects blood vessels and bones. Among middle-aged women, rapid weight gain is also due to hormonal influences. If you control your diet and have little physical activity, you may gain weight uncontrollably.

Metabolism drops↓… Aging is like hitting her next door.

The word metabolism is used a lot. Simply put, it is the action of changing old things in the body into new ones. As muscles decrease, the ability to efficiently use calories from food decreases, leading to weight gain. To make matters worse, the aging of major organs in the body is also progressing. Drinking a glass of lukewarm water right after waking up in the morning helps boost your metabolism, which dropped while you were sleeping. Even if you are not thirsty, it is important to drink water often and increase your activity level.

Reduce carbohydrates and saturated fat… Cutting back on sugary foods and daily movement are important

So how do you lose weight? Even if your body changes, the diet principles do not change. You should reduce the amount you eat at each meal and completely cut out snacks that increase total calories or replace them with foods that are lower in calories. In particular, you should reduce your intake of simple carbohydrates such as sugar. Sweet foods silently change your body into an obese body type. Exercise, but increase body movement in your daily life. Even if you exercise for an hour at the gym, the effectiveness of the exercise decreases if you sit for a long time.

#News #walking.. #harder #lose #weight #older

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